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NILU [3567]
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Omgivelsesmålinger av fluor, SO2, tungmetaller, PAH og støvnedfall rundt Alcoa Mosjøen. 22. mai – 19. august 2024
(NILU rapport;39/2024, Research report, 2025)På oppdrag fra Alcoa Norway AS dept. Mosjøen har NILU utført målinger i omgivelses-luft rundt smelteverket i Mosjøen. Målingene ble utført med aktiv prøvetaking (fluor, SO2, metaller, PAH, PM10) og passiv prøvetaking (SO2, ... -
From microplastics to pixels: testing the robustness of two machine learning approaches for automated, Nile red‑based marine microplastic identification
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Balancing agricultural development and biodiversity conservation with rapid urbanization: Insights from multiscale bird diversity in rural landscapes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025) -
Biomass burning emission analysis based on MODIS
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)We assessed the biomass burning (BB) smoke aerosol optical depth (AOD) simulations of 11 global models that participated in the AeroCom phase III BB emission experiment. By comparing multi-model simulations and satellite ... -
Indian Land Carbon Sink Estimated from Surface and GOSAT Observations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)The carbon sink over land plays a key role in the mitigation of climate change by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Accurately assessing the land sink capacity across regions should contribute to better ...