Now showing items 2810-2829 of 3561

    • Safe synthesis of alkylhydroxy and alkylamino nitramines. 

      Antonsen, Simen Gjelseth; Aursnes, Marius; Gallantree-Smith, Harrison; Dye, Christian Jarle; Stenstrøm, Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Three different protocols for the syntheses of hydroxyalkylnitramines are presented and compared. Safety issues regarding the synthesis of nitramines are also discussed.
    • Safe(r) by design implementation in the nanotechnology industry 

      Jiménes, Araceli Sánchez; Puelles, Raquel; Pérez-Fernández, Marta; Gómez-Fernández, Paloma; Barruetabena, Leire; Jacobsen, Nicklas Raun; Suarez-Merino, Blanca; Micheletti, Christian; Manier, Nicolas; Trouiller, Benedicte; Navas, José Maria; Kalman, Judit; Salieri, Beatrice; Hischier, Roland; Handzhiyski, Yordan; Apostolova, Margarita D.; Hadrup, Niels; Bouillard, Jaques; Oudart, Yohan; Merino, Cesar; Garcia, Erika; Liguori, Biase; Sabella, Stefania; Rose, Jerome; Maison, Armand; Galea, Karen S.; Kelly, Sean; Stepankova, Sandra; Mouneyrac, Catherine; Barrick, Andrew; Chatel, Amelie; Dusinska, Maria; Rundén-Pran, Elise; Mariussen, Espen; Bressot, Christophe; Aguerre-Chariol, Olivier; Shandilya, Neeraj; Goede, Henk; Gomez-Cordon, Julio; Simar, Sophie; Nesslany, Fabrice; Jensen, Keld Alstrup; van Tongeren, Martie; Llopis, Isabel Rodriguez (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The implementation of Safe(r) by Design (SbD) in industrial innovations requires an integrated approach where the human, environmental and economic impact of the SbD measures is evaluated across and throughout the nanomaterial ...
    • Safety assessment of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive 

      Younes, Maged; Aquilina, Gabriele; Castle, Laurence; Engel, Karl-Heinz; Fowler, Paul; Fernandez, Maria Jose Frutos; Fürst, Peter; Gundert-Remy, Ursula; Gürtler, Rainer; Husøy, Trine; Manco, Melania; Mennes, Wim; Moldeus, Peter; Passamonti, Sabina; Shah, Romina; Waalkens-Berendsen, Ine; Wölfle, Detlef; Corsini, Emanuela; Cubadda, Francesco; De Groot, Didima; FitzGerald, Rex; Gunnare, Sara; Gutleb, Arno C.; Mast, Jan; Mortensen, Alicja; Oomen, Agnes; Piersma, Aldert; Plichta, Veronika; Ulbrich, Beate; Van Loveren, Henk; Benford, Diane; Bignami, Margherita; Bolognesi, Claudia; Crebelli, Riccardo; Dusinska, Maria; Marcon, Francesca; Nielsen, Elsa; Schlatter, Josef; Vleminckx, Christiane; Barmaz, Stefania; Carfi, Maria; Civitella, Consuelo; Giarola, Alessandra; Rincon, Ana Maria; Serafimova, Rositsa; Smeraldi, Camilla; Tarazona, Jose; Tard, Alexandra; Wright, Matthew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The present opinion deals with an updated safety assessment of the food additive titanium dioxide (E 171) based on new relevant scientific evidence considered by the Panel to be reliable, including data obtained with TiO2 ...
    • Safety-by-design and engineered nanomaterials: the need to move from theory to practice 

      Trump, Benjamin D.; Antunes, Dalila; Palma-Oliveira, José; Nelson, Andrew; Hudecova, Alexandra Misci; Rundén-Pran, Elise; Dusinska, Maria; Gispert, Ignasi; Resch, Susanne; Alfaro-Serrano, Beatriz; Afantitis, Antreas; Melagraki, Georgia; Tse, Edmund C. M.; Trump, Josh; Kohl, Yvonne; Linkov, Igor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      As the governance of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) evolves, innovations in the prevention, mitigation, management, and transfer of risk shape discussion of how nanotechnology may mature and reach various marketplaces. ...
    • SAMIRA-SAtellite Based Monitoring Initiative for Regional Air Quality 

      Stebel, Kerstin; Stachlewska, Iwona S.; Nemuc, Anca; Horálek, Jan; Schneider, Philipp (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The satellite based monitoring initiative for regional air quality (SAMIRA) initiative was set up to demonstrate the exploitation of existing satellite data for monitoring regional and urban scale air quality. The project ...

      Grønskei, Knut Erik (NILU OR;49/73, Research report, 1973)

      Ladegård, Nils Einar; Thrane, Karin E. (NILU TR;8/86, Research report, 1986)
      Forskjellige teknikker for å skille gassformig hydrogen fluorid (HF) og partikulært fluorid er sammenlignet. Resultatene tyder på at en av metodene er bedre enn de andre, men det er nødvendig å undersøke reproduserbarhet ...
    • Sammenligning av målinger av elementer i plantemeteriale med ICP-MS og ICP-AES. 

      Røyset, Oddvar; Vadset, Marit (NILU TR;15/91, Research report, 1991)
      De to analyseteknikkene ICP-MS og ICP-AES ble sammenlignet for bestemmelse av 15 elementer i plantemateriale: Al, B, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr og Zn. Det ble oppnådd god overensstemmelse mellom de to ...
    • Sammenligning av resultater og målemetoder for benzen i Oslo. Målinger utført av NILU fra 2001-2008 og Molab fra 2009-2013. 

      Schmidbauer, Norbert (NILU OR;2/2015, Research report, 2015)
      Parallelle målinger for BTEX på to steder i Oslo bekreftet at rapporterte konsentrasjoner fra henholdsvis NILU og Molab varierte med flere hundre prosent. En nærmere gjennomgang av beregningsmetoden viste at Molab brukte ...

      Larssen, Steinar; Hagen, Leif Otto (NILU OR; 44/79, Research report, 1979)
      Det er foretatt målinger av svevestøv med to målemetoder ved en målestasjon i Bergen i perioden februar-april 1978. Svevestøvet ble bestemt ved hjelp av reflektometrisk måling av sotinnholdet av støv oppsamlet på et filter, ...
    • Sandflukt. Generelt om vindeffekter basert på litteraturstudier. 

      Gotaas, Yngvar (NILU TR;12/88, Research report, 1988)
      Sandflukt krever vindstyrker over en kritisk verdi, avhengig av kornstørrelsen. Bagnolds klassiske arbeider angir beregningsmetode
    • SAOZ. Bruksanvisning for Realtime-program, Recv476. 

      Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad (NILU TR;3/98, Research report, 1998)
      Rapporten gir en innføring i dataprogrammet som styrer SAOZ-instrurnentet. Hensikten med rapporten er å sette personell hos Norsk Polarinstitutt i stand til å starte målinger med SAOZ-instrumentet, samt å kunne utføre ...
    • Satellite observations of long range transport of a large BrO plume in the Arctic 

      Begoin, Mathias; Richter, Andreas; Weber, Mark; Kaleschke, Lars; Tian-Kunze, Xiangshan; Stohl, Andreas; Theys, Nicolas; Burrows, John P. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
    • Satellite observations showed a negligible reduction in NO2 pollution due to COVID-19 lockdown over Poland 

      Ugboma, Emeka A.; Stachlewska, Iwona S.; Schneider, Philipp; Stebel, Kerstin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The tropospheric NO2 column from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI (2018–2020) and Aura/OMI (2010–2020) over Poland, notably for 7 major Polish cities, was used to assess the annual variability and the COVID-19 lockdown effect. On a ...
    • Satellite remote sensing of Arctic fires - a literature and data review 

      Stebel, Kerstin (NILU report;29/2022, Research report, 2023)
      The main aim of this report is to prepare for the proposed SGA #17 of the Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake Work Programme 2020 named “Arctic peat- and forest-fire information ...
    • Satellite validation strategy assessments based on the AROMAT campaigns 

      Merlaud, Alexis; Belegante, Livio; Constantin, Daniel-Eduard; Den Hoed, Mirjam; Meier, Andreas Carlos; Allaart, Marc; Ardelean, Magdalena; Arseni, Maxim; Bösch, Tim; Brenot, Hugues; Calcan, Andreea; Dekemper, Emmanuel; Donner, Sebastian; Dörner, Steffen; Dragomir, Mariana Carmelia Balanica; Georgescu, Lucian; Nemuc, Anca; Nicolae, Doina; Pinardi, Gaia; Richter, Andreas; Rosu, Adrian; Ruhtz, Thomas; Schönhardt, Anja; Schuettemeyer, Dirk; Shaiganfar, Reza; Stebel, Kerstin; Tack, Frederik; Vajaiac, Sorin Nicolae; Vasilescu, Jeni; Vanhamel, Jurgen; Wagner, Thomas; Van Roozendael, Michel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The Airborne ROmanian Measurements of Aerosols and Trace gases (AROMAT) campaigns took place in Romania in September 2014 and August 2015. They focused on two sites: the Bucharest urban area and large power plants in the ...
    • A scalable method for identifying key indicators to assess urban environmental sustainability: A case study in Norway 

      Liu, Hai Ying; Ebrahimi, Babak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Urbanization presents numerous societal challenges and exacerbates environmental issues. It is crucial to comprehend the current state and future direction of cities to formulate strategies and actions that mitigate negative ...
    • Scenario dispersion and exposure calculations of NO2 for 2010, 2015 and 2020 for Oslo. 

      Tønnesen, Dag Arild; Sundvor, Ingrid (NILU OR; 59/2008, Research report, 2008)
      Commissioned by SFT, NILU has performed dispersion and exposure calculations to estimate the NO2 concentrations for 2010, 2015 and 2020. A change in vehicular class composition and NOX emission oxidation rates have been ...