Blar i NILU Brage på forfatter "Christensen, Guttorm"
Health and environmental impacts in the Norwegian border area related to local Russian industrial emissions. Knowledge status.
Sandanger, Torkjel M; Anda, Erik Eik; Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Evenset, Anita; Christensen, Guttorm; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie (NILU OR;40/2013, Research report, 2013)The contaminant situation in the Norwegian-Russian border has caused concern for several decades and considerable amount of data has been gathered during the Pasvik programme (Stebel et al., 2007; Pasvik programme, 2008) ... -
Health and environmental impacts in the Norwegian border area related to local Russian industrial emissions. Knowledge status.
Sandanger, Torkjel M; Anda, Erik Eik; Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Evenset, Anita; Christensen, Guttorm; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie (NILU OR;40/2013, Research report, 2013)The contaminant situation in the Norwegian-Russian border has caused concern for several decades and considerable amount of data has been gathered during the Pasvik programme (Stebel et al., 2007; Pasvik programme, 2008) ... -
Investigating snow deposition of cyclic siloxanes in an Arctic environment
Nipen, Maja; Hartz, William Frederik; Bäcklund, Are; Schulze, Dorothea; Christensen, Guttorm; Løge, Oda Siebke; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla (NILU report;35/2024, Research report, 2024)cVMS are high production volume chemicals that are used for a wide range of industrial and domestic applications. Given the high volatility of cVMS, emissions occur mainly to the atmosphere, and cVMS are present in the ... -
Is Glacial Meltwater a Secondary Source of Legacy Contaminants to Arctic Coastal Food Webs?
Mcgovern, Maeve; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgå, Katrine; Evenset, Anita; Carlsson, Pernilla Marianne; Skogsberg, Stina Linnea Emelie; Søreide, Janne; Ruus, Anders; Christensen, Guttorm; Poste, Amanda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Climate change-driven increases in air and sea temperatures are rapidly thawing the Arctic cryosphere with potential for remobilization and accumulation of legacy persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in adjacent coastal ... -
Small Arctic rivers transport legacy contaminants from thawing catchments to coastal areas in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
Mcgovern, Maeve; Borgå, Katrine; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Ruus, Anders; Christensen, Guttorm; Evenset, Anita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Decades of atmospheric and oceanic long-range transport from lower latitudes have resulted in deposition and storage of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Arctic regions. With increased temperatures, melting glaciers ... -
Undersøkelse av PCDD/PCDF i ferskvannsfisk i Sørvaranger. Oppfølgingsundersøkelse 2003.
Enge, Ellen Katrin; Christensen, Guttorm; Schlabach, Martin (NILU OR;89/2003, Research report, 2003)Rapporten beskriver en oppfølgingsundersøkelse pålagt av Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT). Forrige undersøkelse ble utført i 1997 (Schlabach og Skotvold). Rapporten tar for seg utviklingen av PCDD/PCDF nivå i fisk fra ...