• A new estimation of the recent tropospheric molecular hydrogen budget using atmospheric observations and variational inversion 

      Yver, Camille E.; Pison, Isabelle C.; Fortems-Cheiney, Audrey; Schmidt, Martina; Chevallier, Frederic; Ramonet, Michel; Jordan, Armin; Søvde, Ole Amund; Engel, Andreas; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Lowry, David; Nisbet, Euan G.; Levin, Ingeborg; Hammer, Samuel; Necki, Jaroslaw; Bartyzel, Jakub; Reimann, Stefan; Vollmer, Martin K; Steinbacher, Martin; Aalto, Tuula; Maione, Michela; Arduini, Jgor; O'Doherty, Simon; Grant, Aoife; Sturges, William T.; Forster, Grant L.; Lunder, Chris Rene; Privalov, Viacheslav; Paramonova, Nina N.; Werner, Anja; Bousquet, Philippe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
    • Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Budgets of Europe: Trends, Interannual and Spatial Variability, and Their Drivers 

      Lauerwald, Ronny; Bastos, Ana; McGrath, Matthew J.; Petrescu, Ana Maria Roxana; Ritter, François; Andrew, Robbie; Berchet, Antoine; Broquet, Grégoire; Brunner, Dominik; Chevallier, Frédéric; Cescatti, Alessandro; Filipek, Sara; Fortems-Cheiney, Audrey; Forzieri, Giovanni; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Fuchs, Richard; Gerbig, Christoph; Houweling, Sanne; Ke, Piyu; Lerink, Bas J. W.; Li, Wanjing; Li, Wei; Li, Xiaojun; Luijkx, Ingrid; Monteil, Guillaume; Munassar, Saqr; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Patra, Prabir K.; Peylin, Philippe; Pongratz, Julia; Regnier, Pierre; Saunois, Marielle; Schelhaas, Mart-Jan; Scholze, Marko; Sitch, Stephen; Thompson, Rona Louise; Tian, Hanqin; Tsuruta, Aki; Wilson, Chris; Wigneron, Jean-Pierre; Yao, Yitong; Zaehle, Sönke; Ciais, Philippe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      In the framework of the RECCAP2 initiative, we present the greenhouse gas (GHG) and carbon (C) budget of Europe. For the decade of the 2010s, we present a bottom-up (BU) estimate of GHG net-emissions of 3.9 Pg CO2-eq. yr−1 ...
    • The Community Inversion Framework v1.0: a unified system for atmospheric inversion studies 

      Berchet, Antoine; Sollum, Espen; Thompson, Rona Louise; Pison, Isabelle; Thanwerdas, Joel; Broquet, Grégoire; Chevallier, Frédéric; Aalto, Tuula; Berchet, Adrien; Bergamaschi, Peter; Brunner, Dominik; Engelen, Richard; Fortems-Cheiney, Audrey; Gerbig, Christoph; Zwaaftink, Christine Groot; Haussaire, Jean-Matthieu; Henne, Stephan; Houweling, Sanne; Karstens, Ute; Kutsch, Werner L.; Luijkx, Ingrid T.; Monteil, Guillaume; Palmer, Paul I.; van Peet, Jacob C. A.; Peters, Wouter; Peylin, Philippe; Potier, Elise; Rödenbeck, Christian; Saunois, Marielle; Scholze, Marko; Tsuruta, Aki; Zhao, Yuanhong (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Atmospheric inversion approaches are expected to play a critical role in future observation-based monitoring systems for surface fluxes of greenhouse gases (GHGs), pollutants and other trace gases. In the past decade, the ...
    • The consolidated European synthesis of CO2 emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom: 1990–2020 

      McGrath, Matthew J; Petrescu, Ana Maria Roxana; Peylin, Philippe; Andrew, Robbie M.; Matthews, Bradley; Dentener, Frank; Balkovič, Juraj; Bastrikov, Vladislav; Becker, Meike; Broquet, Gregoire; Ciais, Philippe; Fortems-Cheiney, Audrey; Ganzenmüller, Raphael; Grassi, Giacomo; Harrison, Ian; Jones, Carl Matthew; Knauer, Jürgen; Kuhnert, Matthias; Monteil, Guillaume; Munassar, Saqr; Palmer, Paul I.; Peters, Glen Philip; Qiu, Chunjing; Schelhaas, Mart-Jan; Tarasova, Oksana; Vizzarri, Matteo; Winkler, Karina; Balsamo, Gianpaolo; Berchet, Antoine; Briggs, Peter R; Brockmann, Patrick; Chevallier, Frédéric; Conchedda, Giulia; Monica, Crippa; Dellaert, Stijn N. C.; van der Gon, Hugo A.C. Denier; Filipek, Sara; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Fuchs, Richard; Gauss, Michael; Gerbig, Christoph; Guizzardi, Diego; Günther, Dirk; Houghton, Richard A; Janssens-Maenhout, Greet; Lauerwald, Ronny; Lerink, Bas; Luijkx, Ingrid T.; Moulas, Géraud; Muntean, Marilena; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Paquirissamy, Aurélie; Perugini, Lucia; Peters, Wouter; Pilli, Roberto; Pongratz, Julia; Regnier, Pierre; Scholze, Marko; Serengil, Yusuf; Smith, Peter; Solazzo, Efisio; Thompson, Rona Louise; Tubiello, Francesco N.; Vesala, Timo; Walther, Sophia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Knowledge of the spatial distribution of the fluxes of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and their temporal variability as well as flux attribution to natural and anthropogenic processes is essential to monitoring the progress in ...
    • Increase in HFC-134a emissions in response to the success of the Montreal Protocol 

      Fortems-Cheiney, Audrey; Saunois, Marielle; Pison, Isabelle C.; Chevallier, Frédéric; Bousquet, Philippe; Cressot, Cindy; Montzka, Stephen A.; Fraser, Paul J.B.; Vollmer, Martin K.; Simmonds, Peter G.; Young, Dickon; O'Doherty, Simon J.; Weiss, Ray F.; Artuso, Florinda B.; Barletta, Barbara; Blake, Donald Ray; Li, Shanlan; Lunder, Chris Rene; Miller, Benjamin R.; Park, Sunyoung; Prinn, Ronald G.; Saito, Takuya; Steele, Lloyd Paul; Yokouchi, Yoko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • The Monitoring Nitrous Oxide Sources (MIN2OS) satellite project 

      Ricaud, Philippe; Attié, Jean-Luc; Chalinel, Rémi; Pasternak, Frédérick; Léonard, Joël; Pison, Isabelle; Pattey, Elizabeth; Thompson, Rona Louise; Zelinger, Zdenek; Lelieveld, Jos; Sciare, Jean; Saitoh, Naoko; Warner, Juying; Fortems-Cheiney, Audrey; Reynal, Hélène; Vidot, Jérôme; Brooker, Laure; Berdeu, Laurent; Saint-Pé, Olivier; Patra, Prabir K.; Dostál, Michal; Suchánek, Jan; Nevrlý, Václav; Zwaaftink, Christine Groot (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The Monitoring Nitrous Oxide Sources (MIN2OS) satellite project aims at monitoring global-scale nitrous oxide (N2O) sources by retrieving N2O surface fluxes from the inversion of space-borne N2O measurements that are ...