Blar i NILU Brage på forfatter "Lowry, David"
A new estimation of the recent tropospheric molecular hydrogen budget using atmospheric observations and variational inversion
Yver, Camille E.; Pison, Isabelle C.; Fortems-Cheiney, Audrey; Schmidt, Martina; Chevallier, Frederic; Ramonet, Michel; Jordan, Armin; Søvde, Ole Amund; Engel, Andreas; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Lowry, David; Nisbet, Euan G.; Levin, Ingeborg; Hammer, Samuel; Necki, Jaroslaw; Bartyzel, Jakub; Reimann, Stefan; Vollmer, Martin K; Steinbacher, Martin; Aalto, Tuula; Maione, Michela; Arduini, Jgor; O'Doherty, Simon; Grant, Aoife; Sturges, William T.; Forster, Grant L.; Lunder, Chris Rene; Privalov, Viacheslav; Paramonova, Nina N.; Werner, Anja; Bousquet, Philippe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011) -
Atmospheric composition in the European Arctic and 30 years of the Zeppelin Observatory, Ny-Ålesund
Platt, Stephen Matthew; Hov, Øystein; Berg, Torunn; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Fisher, Rebecca; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Hansson, Hans-Christen; Heintzenberg, Jost; Hermansen, Ove; Heslin-Rees, Dominic; Holmén, Kim; Hudson, Stephen; Kallenborn, Roland; Krejci, Radovan; Krognes, Terje; Larssen, Steinar; Lowry, David; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Lunder, Chris Rene; Nisbet, Euan; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Park, Ki-Tae; Pedersen, Christina Alsvik; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo; Röckmann, Thomas; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Solberg, Sverre; Stohl, Andreas; Ström, Johan; Svendby, Tove Marit; Tunved, Peter; Tørnkvist, Kjersti Karlsen; van der Veen, Carina; Vratolis, Stergios; Jun Yoon, Young; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zieger, Paul; Aas, Wenche; Tørseth, Kjetil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Zeppelin Observatory (78.90∘ N, 11.88∘ E) is located on Zeppelin Mountain at 472 m a.s.l. on Spitsbergen, the largest island of the Svalbard archipelago. Established in 1989, the observatory is part of Ny-Ålesund ... -
Atmospheric constraints on the methane emissions from the East Siberian Shelf
Berchet, Antoine; Bousquet, Philippe; Pison, Isabelle; Locatelli, Robin; Chevallier, Frédéric; Paris, Jean-Daniel; Dlugokencky, Ed J.; Laurila, Tuomas; Hatakka, Juha; Viisanen, Yrjö; Worthy, Doug E.J.; Nisbet, Euan; Fisher, Rebecca; France, James; Lowry, David; Ivakhov, Viktor; Hermansen, Ove (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Extensive release of methane from Arctic seabed west of Svalbard during summer 2014 does not influence the atmosphere
Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Ferré, Benedicte; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Silyakova, Anna; Hermansen, Ove; Allen, Grant; Pisso, Ignacio; Schmidbauer, Josef Norbert; Stohl, Andreas; Pitt, Joseph R.; Jansson, Pær; Greinert, Jens; Percival, Carl; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; O'Shea, Sebastian J.; Gallagher, Martin; Le Breton, Michael; Bower, Keith N.; Bauguitte, Stéphane Jean-Bernard; Dalsøren, Stig Bjørløw; Vadakkepuliyambatta, Sunil; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Nisbet, Euan G.; Lowry, David; Myhre, Gunnar; Pyle, John Adrian; Cain, Michelle; Mienert, Jurgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Measurements of δ13C in CH4 and using particle dispersion modeling to characterize sources of Arctic methane within an air mass
France, James L.; Cain, Michelle; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Lowry, David; Allen, Grant; O'Shea, Sebastian J.; Illingworth, Samuel M.; Pyle, John Adrian; Warwick, Nicola J.; Jones, Benjamin T.; Gallagher, Martin W.; Bower, Keith N.; Le Breton, Michael; Percival, Carl John; Muller, Jennifer; Welpott, A.; Bauguitte, Stéphane Jean-Bernard; George, Charles T.; Hayman, Garry D.; Manning, Alistair J.; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Lanoisellé, Mathias E.; Nisbet, Euan G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Methane at Svalbard and over the European Arctic Ocean
Platt, Stephen Matthew; Eckhardt, Sabine; Ferré, Benedicte; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Hermansen, Ove; Jansson, Pär; Lowry, David; Nisbet, Euan G.; Pisso, Ignacio; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Silyakova, Anna; Stohl, Andreas; Svendby, Tove Marit; Vadakkepuliyambatta, Sunil; Mienert, Jurgen; Myhre, Cathrine Lund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Methane (CH4) is a powerful greenhouse gas. Its atmospheric mixing ratios have been increasing since 2005. Therefore, quantification of CH4 sources is essential for effective climate change mitigation. Here we report ... -
Methane emissions in East Asia for 2000-2011 estimated using an atmospheric Bayesian inversion
Thompson, Rona Louise; Stohl, Andreas; Zhou, Lu Xuedu; Dlugokencky, Edward J.; Fukuyama, Yukio; Tohjima, Yasunori; Kim, Seung-Yeon; Lee, Hoesung; Nisbet, Euan G.; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Lowry, David; Weiss, Ray F.; Prinn, Ronald G.; O'Doherty, Simon J.; Young, Dickon; White, James W.C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Quantification and assessment of methane emissions from offshore oil and gas facilities on the Norwegian continental shelf
Foulds, Amy; Allen, Grant; Shaw, Jacob T.; Bateson, Prudence; Barker, Patrick A.; Huang, Langwen; Pitt, Joseph R.; Lee, James D; Wilde, Shona E.; Dominutti, Pamela; Purvis, Ruth M.; Lowry, David; France, James L.; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Fiehn, Alina; Pühl, Magdalena; Bauguitte, Stéphane Jean-Bernard; Conley, Stephen A.; Smith, Mackenzie L.; Lachlan-Cope, Tom; Pisso, Ignacio; Schwietzke, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The oil and gas (O&G) sector is a significant source of methane (CH4) emissions. Quantifying these emissions remains challenging, with many studies highlighting discrepancies between measurements and inventory-based ...