Browsing NILU by Title
Now showing items 1254-1273 of 3567
Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Improvement Project. Air Quality Monitoring Component. Mission 4, April 2004; Status report (QR7-9), Data assessment and training.
(NILU OR; 51/2004, Research report, 2004)The Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Improvement Project, Air Quality Monitoring component (HEIA) is being supported by NORAD and is being undertaken by NILU for the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE). ... -
Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Improvement Project. Air Quality Monitoring Component. Mission 5, November 2004; Status report (QR10-11), Understanding air quality and data dissemination.
(NILU OR;04/2005, Research report, 2005)Mission 5, as part of the NORAD financed IIEIA project, was undertaken to HCMC from 4 November to 4 December 2OO4. The air quality monitoring and management system has now been established and is being operated by trained ... -
Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Improvement Project. Air Quality Monitoring Component. The air quality monitoring and management system for HCMC, Vietnam.
(NILU OR;01/2005, Research report, 2005)The GIS based database and planning tool AirQUIS has been installed at hEPA/DONRE in HoChiMinhCity and is being used for air quality monitoring and management. The data collected through the automatic monitoring and ... -
Ho Chi Minh City. Air Quality Monitoring Programme. Data evaluation report, 2007.
(NILU TR; 01/2008, Research report, 2008)The report presents the data availability and average concentrations for all air quality data measured in HCMC, Vietnam during 2007. The quality assessment indicated that there is a need for spare parts, which again will ... -
Holocene black carbon in New Zealand lake sediment records
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Black carbon emitted from incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuel burning is an important aerosol; however, available long-term black carbon data are limited to remote polar and high-alpine ice cores from few ... -
Homologue group profiles of ΣPCAs C14-17 in environmental samples from Norwegian monitoring programmes
(NILU report;9/2024, Research report, 2024)Recently, chlorinated paraffins with carbon chain lengths in the range C14–17 and chlorination levels at or exceeding 45 per cent chlorine by weight have been proposed for listing under the Stockholm Convention. To aid the ... -
Homology modeling to screen for potential binding of contaminants to thyroid hormone receptor and transthyretin in glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) and herring gull (Larus argentatus)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Thyroid hormone disrupting chemicals (THDCs) are of major concern in ecotoxicology. With the increased number of emerging chemicals on the market there is a need to screen for potential THDCs in a cost-efficient way, and ... -
Hovedflyplass Gardermoen. Luftforurensning ved alternative utbyggings- planer.
(NILU OR; 10/92, Research report, 1992)Utslipp og konsentrasjoner av luftforurensninger fra flytrafikk og veitrafikk i forbindelse med utbygging av hovedflyplass på Gardermoen er beregnet for alternative utbyggingsplaner i år 2000, 2010 og 2020. Halvårsmiddel ... -
(NILU OR; 40/85, Research report, 1985)NILU har utarbeidet et forslag til videre undersøkelser av størrelsen av ulike kilders utslippsbidrag til sot og svevestøv i byluft. Hovedvekten er lagt på sot. I prosjektforslaget beskrives dagens kunnskap når det gjelder ... -
Hovedvei øst-vest i Arendal. Luftforurensninger fra tunneler.
(NILU OR; 19/92, Research report, 1992)Det er vurdert luftforurensninger ved tre alternative tunnelløsninger for ny øst-vest-forbindelse i Arendal. For alle tunnelene viser beregningene at tunnelene kan ventileres gjennom munningene uten at det blir overskridelser ... -
Hovedveinettet i Oslo - oppdatering av trafikkdata på grunnlag av telledata.
(NILU OR;71/99, Research report, 1999)NILU har i mange utført beregninger av utslipp fra biltrafikken i oslo-området. De siste trafikktallene stammer fra trafikkdata fra år 1990 fra transportplanarbeidet, "TP10-filen", og SFT/Vegdirektoratet har bedt NILU om ... -
How Atmospheric Chemistry and Transport Drive Surface Variability of N2O and CFC-11
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a long-lived greenhouse gas that affects atmospheric chemistry and climate. In this work, we use satellite measurements of N2O, ozone (O3), and temperature from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) ... -
How can scientists bring research to use: the HENVINET experience
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
How relevant is the deposition of mercury onto snowpacks? - Part 1: A statistical study on the impact of environmental factors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
How stratospheric are deep stratospheric intrusions?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
HTAP-EBAS. No 070307/2007/481644/MAR/C5. Final report, version 1.0.
(NILU TR;01/2011, Research report, 2011)The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution has set up a Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution which aims at obtaining a fuller understanding of the role of hemispheric transport of air pollution ... - Report on AQ information towards the public based on the outputs from the questionnaires based survey.
(NILU OR;11/2014, Research report, 2014)This report presents the results from the questionnaires based survey in Wuhan. Within 1086 valid questionnaires collected from the public, the results showed that most participants: 1) are young students with bachelor ... -
Hunstadmoen-Thallekrysset i Bodø. Vurdering av luftforurensning fra tunnelmunninger.
(NILU OR; 55/2009, Research report, 2009)Spredningsberegninger for tunnelforbindelsen Hunstadmoen-Thallekrysset i Bodø. Det er beregnet maksimale konsentrasjoner av PM10 og NOX i tunnelen, og minste tilstrekkeligeventilasjonshastigheteri tunnelenfor å overholde ... -
Hydro Aluminium AS. Measurements of CF4 and C2F6 emissions from Norsk Hydro's aluminium smelter at Husnes, Norway.
(NILU report;04/2022, Research report, 2022)NILU and Hydro Aluminium performed a test campaign for measurements of CF4 and C2F6 for stack emissions at Husnes Aluminium Smelter. Time-integrated samples were taken with evacuated canisters combined with low-flow ... -
Hydrocarbon measurements at rural Birkenes, South Norway, May 1987 - May 1988.
(NILU OR; 4/89, Research report, 1989)Analysis of spot samples of air taken approx. every second day at a rural site in south Norway for one year showed that alkanes dominated in the samples. Ethane and propane made up about 50% of the total on a C-basis. The ...