Browsing NILU by Subject "Fjernmåling"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Comparison of dust-layer heights from active and passive satellite sensors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aerosol-layer height is essential for understanding the impact of aerosols on the climate system. As part of the European Space Agency Aerosol_cci project, aerosol-layer height as derived from passive thermal and solar ... -
En strategi for utvikling av et satellittbasert varslingssystem for vulkansk aske for norsk luftfart.
(NILU OR;59/2011, Research report, 2011)NILU har fått i oppdrag å utvikle nasjonale satellittbaserte operasjonelle tjenester som kan støtte luftfartsnæringen i fremtiden. Dette dokumentet presenterer a) det nasjonale seminaret som ble avholdt 6. desember 2010, ... -
Evaluation of new data sources for improving the estimation of background concentrations in Norway.
(NILU OR;01/2013, Research report, 2013)A previous report (OR 68/2011) described a geostatistical methodology developed for creating a consistent dataset of background concentrations of NO2, O3, PM10, and PM2.5 in Norway, that are representative of a typical ... -
Fjernmåling av metanutslipp ved bruk av Sentinel-5P: en mulighetsstudie
(NILU rapport;9/2021, Research report, 2021)Rapporten beskriver hvilke muligheter Sentinel-5P kan gi med tanke på å utvikle produkter for årlige nasjonale dekningskart med arealestimater med vekt på klimagassen metan. -
Implementation of a daylight receiver in the ALOMAR ozone lidar. Final report.
(NILU OR;32/2003, Research report, 2003)During summer 1998 the stratospheric ozone DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) at the Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research (ALOMAR, Andøya, 69.28ºN, 16.01ºE) has been equipped with a daylight receiver, ... -
(NILU TN;18/78, Research report, 1978)Temperaturkalibrering av PT 1000 i 25 m mast ved havneanlegget på Rafnes. -
Land surface temperature validation for WACMOS-ET. Reference input data set validation report.
(NILU report; 09/2017, Research report, 2017)The Land Surface Temperature (LST) products generated specifically for the WAter Cycle Observation Multi-mission Strategy – EvapoTranspiration (WACMOS-ET) project, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), are evaluated ... -
Measurement of volcanic ash in Norwegian air space. WP 1.4.2 Improved detection of ash clouds.
(NILU OR;39/2013, Research report, 2013)Water and ice clouds and temperature conditions may often influence the detection of volcanic ash affected pixels in infrared satellite images. Several methods are available for the detection of ash clouds in SEVIRI images. ... -
Measurement of volcanic ash in Norwegian air space. WP 1.4.3 Improved estimates of ash cloud top temperature and surface temperature.
(NILU OR;36/2013, Research report, 2013)For retrieval of ash mass loading from infrared satellite measurements, estimates of the ash cloud temperature and the surface temperature are required. The ash cloud temperature and surface temperature may be taken from ... -
Measurement of volcanic ash in Norwegian air space. WP 1.4.4 Reduced uncertainty in satellite-based estimates of ash concentrations.
(NILU OR;35/2013, Research report, 2013)Satellite-based measurements of volcanic ash give the total amount of volcanic ash per area, typically in units of grams of volcanic ash per square meter. To convert this to concentration the vertical thickness of the ash ... -
Modellering av vulkanaske i norsk luftfrom. Pkt. 1.3 Enkle forbedringer av utslippsestimat.
(NILU OR;23/2013, Research report, 2013)Rapporten beskriver hvordan en transportmodell brukes til å simulere utslipp av aske fra vulkanutbrudd og hvordan askeutslippene kan beskrives i modellen. En rekke metoder for beregning av askeutslipp er presentert og ... -
Nasjonalt veikart for CO2M/CO2MVS
(NILU rapport;14/2023, Research report, 2023)På vegne av Norsk Romsenter har NILU – Norsk institutt for luftforskning og CICERO Senter for klimaforskning utarbeidet et veikart for hvordan Norge kan nyttiggjøre seg data fra CO2 Monitoring-satellittene (CO2M) og tjenesten ... -
Performance comparison of the MODIS and the VIIRS 1.38 μm cirrus cloud channels using libRadtran and CALIOP data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Roadmap towards EarthCARE and Sentinel-5 precursor. A strategy preparing for operational application of planned European atmospheric chemistry and cloud/aerosol missions in Norway.
(NILU OR;61/2011, Research report, 2011)A strategy for how Norwegian applied organizations should prepare for the upcoming EarthCARE and Sentinel 5 precursor satellite missions is discussed, and long- and short-term plans are provided. The satellites and their ... -
Rotational Raman scattering in the O2-A and O2-B bands: simulations for Carbonsat, FLEX/FLORIS, MERIS and OLCI.
(NILU OR;10/2012, Research report, 2012)Rotational Raman scattering (RRS) causes filling-in of absorption lines in Earth shine spectra. It is routinely accounted for in analysis of UV and visible spectra measured both by satellite and ground-based instruments. ... -
Spatio-temporal variability of the polar middle atmosphere. Insights from over 30 years of research satellite observations.
(NILU TR;01/2012, Research report, 2012)We discuss the insights that research satellite observations from the last 30 years have provided on the spatio-temporal variability of the polar middle atmosphere. Starting from the time of the NASA LIMS (Limb Infrared ... -
The Mineral Aerosol Profiling from Infrared Radiances (MAPIR) algorithm: version 4.1 description and evaluation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The Mineral Aerosol Profiling from Infrared Radiances (MAPIR) algorithm retrieves vertical dust concentration profiles from cloud-free Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) thermal infrared (TIR) radiances ... -
Towards better exploitation of Satellite data for monitoring Air Quality in Norway using downscaling techniques (SAT4AQN). Final project report.
(NILU report;2/2019, Research report, 2020)The main goal for the “Towards better exploitation of Satellite data for monitoring Air Quality in Norway using downscaling techniques” (Sat4AQN) project was to evaluate the potential of spatially downscaling satellite ... -
Towards operational satellite based atmospheric monitoring in Norway SatMoNAir.
(NILU OR;46/2013, Research report, 2013)The SatMoNAir project [NSC contract nr. JOP.12.12.2] builds on a previous NRS 'følgemiddel'-project, called `Roadmap towards EarthCARE and Sentinel 5 precursor', within which NILU and developed a strategy for how ... -
WP 1.2 Operationalization of satellite-based volcanic ash measurements.
(NILU OR;10/2013, Research report, 2013)Data from the SEVIRI instrument is available at NILU through EUMETCast. These data are processed at NILU to retrieve volcanic ash loading in a satellite pixel. The report describes operationalization and automatization of ...