Land surface temperature validation for WACMOS-ET. Reference input data set validation report.
Schneider, Philipp; Prata, Fred; Martins, Joao; Pires, Ana; Trigo, Isabel; Jimenez, Carlos; Goettsche, Frank; Hook, Simon J.
Original version
Schneider, P., Prata, F., Martins, J., Pires, A., Trigo, I., Jimenez, C., Goettsche, F., & Hook, S. J. (2017). Land surface temperature validation for WACMOS-ET. Reference input data set validation report (NILU report, 09/2017). Kjeller: NILU.Abstract
The Land Surface Temperature (LST) products generated specifically for the WAter Cycle Observation Multi-mission Strategy – EvapoTranspiration (WACMOS-ET) project, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), are evaluated with respect to their overall quality. LST products derived from observations acquired by the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR), the Multi-Functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT), and the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) were studied here. Following previously established best-practices on LST validation, the evaluation includes both a qualitative component addressing general issues with the data, as well as a quantitative component, which compares the LST products directly against a reference dataset. For the latter satellite LST is compared against both ground-based in situ datasets acting as a source of absolute reference data and against independent satellite-based LST products from other sensors to provide a spatially exhaustive relative comparison. Datasett av landoverflatetemperaturer (LST) generert spesifikt for WACMOS-ET-prosjektet, finansiert av European Space Agency (ESA), er evaluert i denne studien. Data fra AATSR, MTSAT og GOES ble brukt. Evalueringen fulgte etablert beste praksis for validering av LST, og inkluderer både en kvalitativ komponent som adresserer generelle problemer med dataene, og en kvantitativ komponent som sammenligner datasettene mot referansedata. For den kvantitative analysen ble LST sammenlignet både med absolutte in-situ data fra land, og mot andre uavhengige satelitt-baserte LST data fra andre sensorer. Kombinasjonen av in-situ og satelitt-data gjør at en kan få et komplett sammenligningsgrunnlag over hele arealet.