Air Quality Monitoring and Reference Laboratory. MR-3, Mission 7, Oct-Nov 2005; Reference and calibration laboratory, installations and training.
This report contains the conclusions from the third Mission of the HEIA-R project. This Mission was also the last one of the HEIA project. Nine air quality monitoring stations are now operated by HEPA in HCMC, and an air quality management system, AirQUIS, which has been installed and training was finalised.
Tasks undertaken during this last mission included the installations of instruments and equipment in the new calibration and reference laboratory at HEPA. The installation of a new meteorological station, further training in calibration and repair, a complete update of the QA/QC procedures, an upgrade of the existing AirQUIS version, improvement of the modelling capacity as well as the preparation and of workshops and a final seminar at DONRE were parts of this last mission.