• Overvåking av luft- og nedbørkvalitet i grenseområdene i Norge og Russland. Oktober 1992 - mars 1993. 

      Hagen, Leif Otto; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Aarnes, Mona Johnsrud (NILU OR;55/93, Research report, 1993)
      En omfattende kartlegging av forekomst og omfang av luftforurensninger langs grensa mot Russland i Sør- Varanger startet i oktober 1988. Fra april 1991 omfatter programmet luftkvalitet, meteorologiske forhold og nedbørkvalitet. ...
    • Overvåking av luft- og nedbørkvalitet i grenseområdene i Norge og Russland. Oktober 1993 - mars 1994. 

      Hagen, Leif Otto; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Johnsrud, Mona (NILU OR;1/95, Research report, 1995)
      En omfattende kartlegging av forekomst og omfang av luftforurensninger langs grensen mot Russland i Sør-Varanger startet i oktober 1988. Måleprogrammet omfatter luftkvalitet, meteorologiske forhold og nedbørkvalitet. I ...
    • Overvåking av luft- og nedbørkvalitet i grenseområdene i Norge og Russland. Oktober 1994 - mars 1995. 

      Hagen, Leif Otto; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Johnsrud, Mona; Bekkestad, Tone (NILU OR;1/96, Research report, 1996)
      En omfattende kartlegging av forekomst og omfang av luftforurensninger langs grensen mot Russland i Sør-Varanger startet i oktober 1988. Måleprogrammet omfatter luftkvalitet, meteorologiske forhold og nedbørkvalitet. I ...
    • Overvåking av luft- og nedbørkvalitet i grenseområdene i Norge og Russland. Oktober 1996 - mars 1997. 

      Hagen, Leif Otto; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Arnesen, Kari; Innset, Bodil (NILU OR;58/97, Research report, 1997)
      En omfattende kartlegging av forekomst og omfang av luftforurensninger langs grensen mot Russland i Sør-Varanger startet i oktober 1988. Måleprogrammet omfatter luftkvalitet, meteorologiske forhold og nedbørkvalitet. I ...
    • Overvåking av luft- og nedbørkvalitet i grenseområdene i Norge og Russland. Tungmetaller i luft 1990-1995. 

      Hagen, Leif Otto; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Johnsrud, Mona (NILU OR;28/96, Research report, 1996)
      Som følge av miljøvernavtalen mellom Norge og Russland er det siden 1990 gjennomført målinger av luftkvalitet inkl. tungmetaller ved stasjoner på begge sider av grensen. I forhold til konsentrasjonene på regionale ...
    • Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 ambient air concentrations in Cairo. 

      Sivertsen, Bjarne (NILU OR;16/2001, Research report, 2001)
      A screening study was undertaken in greater Cairo to check and verify the ambient air pollution monitoring network operated by EIMP/EEAA. The passive samplers were installed in field to measure ground level concentrations ...
    • Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 ambient air concentrations in Zambia September 1998. 

      Guerreiro, Cristina; Sivertsen, Bjarne (NILU OR; 63/98, Research report, 1998)
      As part of a screening study to develop a plan for ambient air pollution monitoring in Zambia, 20 SO2 and 10 NO2 passive samplers were placed inside Lusaka, Ndola and around industries in the Copperbelt area. The passive ...
    • Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 in ambient air in Dakar. Preliminary study, June 2005. 

      Sivertsen, Bjarne; Laupsa, Herdis; Guerreiro, Cristina (NILU OR;46/2005, Research report, 2005)
      The Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) is supporting the Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD) in establishing a Central Laboratory with an Air Quality Management System for Dakar. During the ...
    • Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 in ambient air in Ho Chi Minh City. November 2002. 

      Sivertsen, Bjarne (NILU OR; 15/2003, Research report, 2003)
      As part of a screening study passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 was performed at 20 selected sites in Ho Chi Minh City. The main conclusion was that the two-week average concentrations of NO2 and SO2 measured at 20 sites in ...

      Sivertsen, Bjarne (NILU OR; 7/85, Research report, 1985)
      A plan for studying the transport and dispersion of air pollutants from the Andorra (Teruel) coal fired power plat is presented. SF tracer techniques with extensive ground level sampling of SF6 combined with air craft ...

      Sivertsen, Bjarne (NILU TN; 80/74, Research report, 1974)
    • Programme de contrôle de la Qualité de l'Air à Dakar. Resultat de l'étude de conception. 

      Sivertsen, Bjarne (NILU OR; 71/2006, Research report, 2006)
      Ce rapport couvre trois sous-tâches du projet, notamment: 4.1- Définition des objectifs du programme de mesure, 4. 2- Conception du réseau de mesure et 4.3- Zones de contrôle et stations de mesure. Il correspond aux rapports: ...
    • QADAK Mission 1, Mai-Juin 2005. 

      Guerreiro, Cristina; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Laupsa, Herdis (NILU OR;40/2005, Research report, 2005)
      L’Institut Norvégien de Recherche sur l‘Air (NILU) assiste le Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD) dans la création d’un Laboratoire Central équipé d’un Système de Gestion de la Qualité de l’Air pour ...
    • QADAK Mission 1, May-June 2005. 

      Guerreiro, Cristina; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Laupsa, Herdis (NILU OR;45/2005, Research report, 2005)
      The Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) is supporting the Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD) in establishing a Central Laboratory with an Air Quality Management System for Dakar. This is the ...
    • QADAK mission 2, 3 - 12 October 2005. 

      Guerreiro, Cristina; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Laupsa, Herdis (NILU OR; 08/2006, Research report, 2006)
      The Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) is supporting the Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD) in establishing a Central Laboratory with an Air Quality Management System for Dakar. This is the ...
    • QADAK Mission 2, du 3 au 12 Octobre 2005. 

      Guerreiro, Cristina; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Laupsa, Herdis (NILU OR;09/2006, Research report, 2006)
      " L'Institut Norvégien de Recherche sur l'Air (NILU) soutient le Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD) dans la mise en place d'un Laboratoire Central avec un Système de Gestion et de Contrôle de la Qualité ...
    • QADAK Mission 3, 27 Février - 10 Mars 2006. 

      Guerreiro, Cristina; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Laupsa, Herdis (NILU OR;72/2006, Research report, 2006)
      La troisième mission de Dakar a été effectuée du 27 Février au 10 Mars 2005. Les principales activités dans cette mission étaient: - Identification des sites d’implantation des stations de contrôle; - Organisation d’un ...
    • QADAK Mission 3. 27 February - 10 March 2006. 

      Guerreiro, Cristina; Sivertsen, Bjarne; Laupsa, Herdis (NILU OR; 74/2006, Research report, 2006)
      The third mission to Dakar was undertaken from 27 February to 10 March 2005. The main activities in this mission were: - Siting study for the placement of the monitoring stations; - Stakeholders seminar and workshop; ...
    • Recommendations pour assurer la durabilité du Centre de Gestion de la Qualité de l'Air. 

      Legendre, Bruno; Guerreiro, Cristina; Sivertsen, Bjarne (NILU OR; 54/2010, Research report, 2010)
      Based on the experiences made on the course of the project and on the knowledge of the consultant from similar projects, a set of recommendationsto assure the sustainability of the CGQA and of the established air quality ...
    • Report on the National Training Course on Air Quality Monitoring and Management in Lagos, Nigeria 25-28 February 2002 

      Sivertsen, Bjarne (NILU OR; 11/2002, Research report, 2002)
      The World Health Organisation (WHO) has initiated a programme for raising awareness of air pollution problems in Central Africa. Norwegian institute for Air Research (NILU) was requested to take a lead role. Funds were ...