Browsing NILU Brage by Author "Vik, Aasmund Fahre"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
ESA Campaign Database (CDB) User Manual.
Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Krognes, Terje; Walker, Sam-Erik; Bjørndalsæter, Sjur; Stoll, Christoffer; Bårde, Trygve; Paltiel, Roland; Gloslie, Bjørn (NILU TR;05/2006, Research report, 2006)The current document gives an introduction to the functionality of the ESA Campaign Data Base (CDB) and furthermore provides detailed information on metadata definitions and standards. The document contains sections for ... -
HTAP-EBAS. No 070307/2007/481644/MAR/C5. Final report, version 1.0.
Tørseth, Kjetil; Eckhardt, Paul; Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Schulz, Michael (NILU TR;01/2011, Research report, 2011)The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution has set up a Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution which aims at obtaining a fuller understanding of the role of hemispheric transport of air pollution ... -
Implementation of extraction routine for ECMWF data through the Calval web-pages. Final development report.
Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Krognes, Terje; Walker, Sam-Erik; Bårde, Trygve; Paltiel, Roland; Tørnkvist, Kjersti Karlsen; Gloslie, Bjørn; Larsen, Rita; Thanh, The Nguyen (NILU OR; 56/2002, Research report, 2002)The extraction tool consists of mainly two parts. The first is a UNIX shell-script, hdf-mars, that extracts ECMWF analysed data, performs calculations and prints out an hdf-file according to the ESA CalVal metadata guidelines. ... -
Målinger av miljøgifter i luft ved Franzefoss Eide på Sotra og Husøya ved Kristiansund
Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Mortensen, Tore; Andresen, Erik; Bæk, Kine; Davanger, Kirsten; Enge, Ellen Katrin; Gundersen, Hans; Hanssen, Linda; Harju, Mikael; Nipen, Maja; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Röhler, Laura; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Skaar, Jøran Solnes (NILU rapport;26/2022, Research report, 2022)NILU har gjennomført måleprogram for konsentrasjoner i luft ved Franzefoss Gjenvinning AS sine anlegg ved Eide på Sotra og ved Husøya ved Kristiansund. Ved Eide ble det tatt prøver i luft og analysert for prioriterte ... -
Metadata guidelines for the ESA Campaign Data Base (CDB). Version 0.02.
Krognes, Terje; Walker, Sam-Erik; Vik, Aasmund Fahre (NILU OR;43/2004, Research report, 2004)These Metadata Guidelines describe a generalised metadata standard based on the Envisat Cal/Val system (Bojkov et al., 2002). The definitions have been carefully chosen to allow new campaign data types to be included, while ... -
Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation. Annual report 2003
Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Braathen, Geir Ole; Dahlback, Arne; Edvardsen, Kåre; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Stebel, Kerstin; Svendby, Tove Marit; Vik, Aasmund Fahre (NILU OR; 53/2004, Research report, 2004)Rapporten presenterer måledata for totalozon, vertikalfordelingen av ozon og UV-stråling over norske målestasjoner i 2003. For Oslo og Andøya er trenden i totalozon beregnet for perioden 1979-2003. -
Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation. Annual report 2004.
Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Braathen, Geir Ole; Dahlback, Arne; Edvardsen, Kåre; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Stebel, Kerstin; Svendby, Tove Marit; Vik, Aasmund Fahre (NILU OR;31/2005, Research report, 2005)This is an annual report describing the activities and main results of the monitoring programme “Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation” for 2004. -
Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation. Annual report 2005.
Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Edvardsen, Kåre; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Stebel, Kerstin; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Svendby, Tove Marit; Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Dahlback, Arne (NILU OR;67/2006, Research report, 2006)This is an annual report describing the activities and main results of the monitoring programme “Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation” for 2005. -
NADIR News No. 1/2006.
Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Harris, Neil (NILU TR;02/2006, Research report, 2006) -
NADIR News No. 2/2003.
Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Braathen, Geir Ole; Krognes, Terje; Harris, Neil (NILU TR; 11/2003, Research report, 2003) -
Operation of an Envisat Validation Data Centre. Estec Contract No 14419/00/NL/SF. Final report.
Krognes, Terje; Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Tørnkvist, Kjersti Karlsen; Walker, Sam-Erik; Paltiel, Roland; Bårde, Trygve; Gloslie, Bjørn; Larsen, Rita; Braathen, Geir Ole; Thanh, The Nguyen (NILU OR; 54/2002, Research report, 2002)NILU has designed and implemented a system for organizing and presentation of ground based measurement data, and for retrieval of the same data by scientists that perform comparisons with measurements from the ENVISATsatellite. ... -
Overvåking av ozonlaget og naturlig ultrafiolett stråling. Årsrapport 2002.
Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Braathen, Geir Ole; Dahlback, Arne; Edvardsen, Kåre; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Stebel, Kerstin; Svendby, Tove Marit; Vik, Aasmund Fahre (NILU OR;33/2003, Research report, 2003)Rapporten presenterer måledata for totalozon, vertikalfordelingen av ozon og UV-stråling ved norske målestasjoner i 2002. For Oslo og Andøya er trenden for tidsrommet 1979-2002 beregnet. -
Report on the RETRO database for observations and recommendations for optimal use of the data (D2-2).
Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Bjørndalsæter, Sjur; Backman, Leif; Staehelin, Johannes; Wittrock, Folkard (NILU TR;07/2006, Research report, 2006)This report describes the RETRO database for observational data. The system architecture and functionality is explained and a description of the data content is given. The report includes reference to other data centres ... -
Roadmap towards EarthCARE and Sentinel-5 precursor. A strategy preparing for operational application of planned European atmospheric chemistry and cloud/aerosol missions in Norway.
Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Stebel, Kerstin; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Svendby, Tove Marit; Schyberg, Harald; Gauss, Michael; Tsyro, Svetlana; Schulz, Michael; Valdebenito, Alvaro; Kirkevåg, Alf; Seland, Øyvind; Griesfeller, Jan (NILU OR;61/2011, Research report, 2011)A strategy for how Norwegian applied organizations should prepare for the upcoming EarthCARE and Sentinel 5 precursor satellite missions is discussed, and long- and short-term plans are provided. The satellites and their ... -
Towards operational satellite based atmospheric monitoring in Norway SatMoNAir.
Stebel, Kerstin; Vik, Aasmund Fahre; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Svendby, Tove Marit; Schneider, Philipp (NILU OR;46/2013, Research report, 2013)The SatMoNAir project [NSC contract nr. JOP.12.12.2] builds on a previous NRS 'følgemiddel'-project, called `Roadmap towards EarthCARE and Sentinel 5 precursor', within which NILU and developed a strategy for how ...