Hov, Øystein (NILU TR;10/83, Research report, 1983)
    • Ozone measurements 2014. 

      Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre (EMEP/CCC-Report;3/2016, Research report, 2016)
    • Ozone measurements 2015 

      Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre (EMEP/CCC-Report;2/2017, Research report, 2017)
    • Ozone measurements 2016 

      Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre (EMEP/CCC-Report;2/2018, Research report, 2018)
    • Ozone measurements 2017 

      Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre (EMEP/CCC-Report;2/2019, Research report, 2019)
    • Ozone measurements 2018 

      Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre (EMEP/CCC-Report;2/2020, Research report, 2020)
    • Ozone measurements 2019 

      Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre (EMEP/CCC-Report;2/2021, Research report, 2021)
    • Ozone measurements 2020 

      Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre (EMEP/CCC-Report;2/2022, Research report, 2022)
    • Ozone measurements 2021 

      Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre (EMEP/CCC-Report;2/2023, Research report, 2023)
    • Ozone variability and halogen oxidation within the Arctic and sub-Arctic springtime boundary layer 

      Gilman, Jessica B.; Burkhart, John Faulkner; Lerner, Brian M.; Williams, Eric J.; Kuster, William; Goldan, Paul D.; Murphy, Paul C.; Warneke, Carsten; Fowler, Charles; Montzka, Stephen A.; Miller, Benjamin R.; Miller, Lloyd; Oltmans, Samuel J.; Ryerson, Tom B.; Cooper, Owen R.; Stohl, Andreas; de Gouw, Joost A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
    • PAH i nyttevekster. 

      Mikalsen, Adler; Hagen, Leif Otto; Braathen, Ole-Anders (NILU TR;4/94, Research report, 1994)
      Målinger av P AH i salat, frukt og bær fra nærområdene rundt to alwniniuimverk viste til dels høye konsentrasjoner, opp til 2000-3000 ng/g, nærmest verkene. I referanseprøver fra Østlandsområdet varierte P AH konsentrasjonen ...
    • PAH measurements at Lista. January 2020 – December 2020. 

      Hak, Claudia (NILU report;11/2021, Research report, 2021)
      On behalf of Aluminiumindustriens Miljøsekretariat (AMS) and Alcoa Lista, NILU – Norwegian institute for air research has conducted a sampling campaign in the surroundings of the Alcoa Lista aluminium smelter in order to ...
    • PAH measurements in air and moss around selected industrial sites in Norway 2015 

      Halse, Anne Karine; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle; Schlabach, Martin; Steinnes, Eiliv (NILU report; 23/2017, Research report, 2017)
      On request from the Norwegian Environment Agency a pilot study of atmospheric deposition of PAH around industrial enterprises in Norway has been carried out. The participation was voluntary and 10 industries located at 10 ...
    • Painted Wood Climate Risk Analysis by the HERIe Model of Building Protection and Conservation Heating Scenarios in Norwegian Medieval Stone Churches 

      Grøntoft, Terje; Stoveland, Lena Porsmo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      HERIe was used to model the effect of changes to indoor climate on the risk of humidity-induced mechanical damage (cracking and plastic deformation) to wooden panels painted with stiff gesso in two Norwegian medieval stone ...
    • PAN measurement technique, Part 1. Experience gained at NILU in 1986- 1987. Review of ECD theory. 

      Krognes, Terje (NILU TR;5/91, Research report, 1991)
      The technical details of the PAN measurement technique (calibration methods not included) used at NILU in the years 1986-1987 is described. A review of electron capture detector theory is included.
    • Pan-European rural monitoring network shows dominance of NH3 gas and NH4NO3 aerosol in inorganic atmospheric pollution load 

      Tang, Y. Sim; Flechard, Chris R.; Dämmgen, Ulrich; Vidic, Sonja; Djuricic, Vesna; Mitosinkova, Marta; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle; Sanz, Maria J.; Simmons, Ivan; Dragosits, Ulrike; Nemitz, Eiko; Twigg, Marsailidh; van Dijk, Netty; Fauvel, Yannick; Sanz, Francisco; Ferm, Martin; Perrino, Cinzia; Catrambone, Maria; Leaver, David; Braban, Christine F.; Cape, J. Neil; Heal, Mathew R.; Sutton, Mark A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A comprehensive European dataset on monthly atmospheric NH3, acid gases (HNO3, SO2, HCl), and aerosols (NH+4, NO−3, SO2−4, Cl−, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) is presented and analysed. Speciated measurements were made with a low-volume ...

      Hanssen-Bauer, Inger (NILU TR;12/83, Research report, 1983)
      Nettostrålingen i atmosfæren nær bakken i Bergen kan beregnes ut fra data for globalstrålingen (standardfeil 10-30 W/m2) eller ut fra data for solhøyde og skydekke (standardfeil 30-80 W/m). Vertikalspredning av luftforurensninger ...
    • Particluate matter: research and management; Proceedings from the 2nd WeBIOPATR Workshop, Mokra Gora, Serbia 31.8.-2.9.2009 

      Bartonova, Alena; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, Milena (NILU OR;37/2009, Research report, 2009)
      The aim of the workshop was to provide a forum for discussion of new research results regarding particulate matter (PM), and atmospheric PM monitoring and management. Participants came from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia ...
    • Partikkelforurensning fra piggdekk. 

      Larssen, Steinar; Hagen, Leif Otto (NILU OR;16/97, Research report, 1997)
      Det er gjennomført en sammenstilling av målinger av PM2,5 og PM10 i større norske byer i 1990-årene. Rapporten gir en oversikt over overskridelser av kartleggings- og tiltaksgrenser i Forurensningsloven og av SFTs anbefalte ...

      Braathen, Ole-Anders (NILU OR; 55/87, Research report, 1987)
      Partikkelkonsentrasjoner og partikkeltyper ble bestemt i fem målepunkter i bygget. Konsentrasjonene var lave i forhold til det som er målt i andre kontorbygg, og de lå langt under yrkeshygieniske grenseverdier. Følgende ...