Regional and global cycling of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): An assessment and a feasibility study in a Nordic perspective.
Pacyna, Jozef M; Brorström-Lundén, Eva; Cleeman, Marianne; Jansson, Bosse; Korhonen, Markku; Oehme, Michael; Paasivirta, Jaakko; Poulsen, Mette Erecius; Sinkkonen, Seija; Zuber, Andre
Studies on the fate, behaviour, and environmental and health effects of POPs in Scandinavia are reviewed. The fugacity model was used to assess the migration of hexachlorobenzene, lindane, and fluoranthene. Modeled concentrations were compared with measurements in some compartments of the environment. Fairly good agreement was observed for air and water but less so for fish. More refined data are needed to verify the results from models applied in specific regions. Several cases of reproductive tract anomalies, cancers, and behavioral abnormalities have been detected and their relationship to the presence of various POPs is now becoming evident for various species.