Evaluation of decay of painted systems for wood, steel and galvanized steel after 4 years exposure.
The results of the 4 years of exposure of the paint systems for steel and wood is presented. The 1 and 2 year results are included for interpretation purposes.
The damages observed were still mainly related to the deterioration parameters general appearance, dirt, chalking and fungus, and for steel damage around an artificial cut. The effect of the local environment on the performance and the lifetime of paint systems can be observed in the figures in Annex 1. By linear regression analysis it is observed that the pollutant influence of SO2 dominates the damage around the artificial cut. Pollutants also effect the parameter dirt.
For chalking and fungus the meteorological parameters sun hours, precipitation and time of wetness (TOW) increase with increasing deterioration. SO2. reduces the fungus growth for all paint systems.