Screening program 2013. New bisphenols, organic peroxides, fluorinated siloxanes, organic UV filters and selected PBT substances.
Thomas, Kevin V; Schlabach, Martin; Langford, Katherine; Fjeld, Eirik; Øxnevad, Sigurd; Rundberget, Thomas; Bæk, Kine; Rostkowski, Pawel Marian; Harju, Mikael
Original version
Thomas, K., Schlabach, M., Langford, K., Fjeld, E., Øxnevad, S., Rundberget, T., Bæk, K., Rostkowski, P., Harju, M. (2014) Screening program 2013. New bisphenols, organic peroxides, fluorinated siloxanes, organic UV filters and selected PBT substances. Oslo, Norwegian Environment Agency (NIVA rapport, 6696-2014) (Miljødirektoratet rapport, M-176/2014) (NILU OR, 26/2014).Abstract
The occurrence and environmental risk of a number of new bisphenols, organic peroxides, fluorinated siloxanes, organic UV filters and selected PBT substances are reported for wastewater effluents and leachates, as well as sediments and biota from Oslofjord and Lake Mjøsa. Forekomsten og miljørisiko av en rekke nye bisfenoler, organiske peroksider, fluorerte siloksaner, organiske UV-filtre og utvalgte PBT stoffer er rapportert for utslipp fra avløpsvann renseanlegger og sigevann, samt sedimenter og biota fra Oslofjorden og Mjøsa.
NILU OR;26/2014Norwegian Environment Agency report; M-176|2014