Now showing items 41-60 of 175

    • Monitoring of environmental contaminants in air and precipitation, annual report 2016 

      Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Aas, Wenche; Warner, Nicholas Alexander (NILU report;17/2017, Research report, 2017)
      This monitoring report presents 2016 data and time-trends for the Norwegian programme for long-range atmospheric transported contaminants. The results cover 122 organic compounds and 11 heavy metals. The organic contaminants ...
    • Monitoring of greenhouse gases and aerosols at Svalbard and Birkenes in 2016 - Annual report 

      Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Svendby, Tove Marit; Hermansen, Ove; Lunder, Chris Rene; Fiebig, Markus; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Schmidbauer, Josef Norbert; Krognes, Terje (NILU report;39/2017, Research report, 2017)
      The report summaries the activities and results of the greenhouse gas monitoring at the Zeppelin Observatory situated on Svalbard in Arctic Norway during the period 2001-2016, and the greenhouse gas monitoring and aerosol ...
    • Grenseområdene Norge-Russland. Luft- og nedbørkvalitet kalenderåret 2016. 

      Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Dauge, Franck Rene; Andresen, Erik; Svendby, Tove Marit; Tønnesen, Dag Arild; Vadset, Marit; Våler, Rita Larsen (NILU rapport;32/2017, Research report, 2017)
      Smelteverkene i NV-Russland slipper ut store mengder svoveldioksid (SO2) og tungmetaller. Utslippene påvirker luft- og nedbørkvalitet i grenseområdene. Miljøovervåkingen viser at grenseverdier for SO2 er overholdt på Svanvik ...
    • Screening of PFAS and Dechlorane compounds in selected Arctic top predators 

      Schlabach, Martin; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Herzke, Dorte; Hanssen, Linda; Routti, Heli; Borgen, Anders (NILU report; 40/2017, Research report, 2017)
      This report summarizes the findings of a screening study into the occurrence of selected perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) and dechloranes in Arctic top predators. The emerging PFCs F53 F53B, and PFBS were not detected neither ...
    • Oslo Citizens’ Observatory. Results from the Oslo Empowerment Initiative as part of the CITI-SENSE project. 

      Castell, Nuria; Grossberndt, Sonja (NILU report;26/2017, Research report, 2018)
      The CITI-SENSE project has been created to develop Citizens’ Observatories in different cities in Europe. By using a variety of low-cost sensors, citizens should be empowered to influence community policy and decision ...
    • Analyses of selected organic contaminants and metals in drinking bottles. Technical report. 

      Rostkowski, Pawel Marian; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle; Harju, Mikael; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Borgen, Anders; Kringstad, Alfhild; Bjørklund, Morten; Thomassen, Silje; Vadset, Marit; Ghebremeskel, Mebrat; Eikenes, Heidi; Reid, Malcolm James (NILU rapport;22/2018, Research report, 2018)
      On behalf of Norwegian Consumer Council NILU has conducted analyses of organic contaminants and metals in the leachate from selected drinking bottles. The simulation of the leakage is conducted based on a compilation of ...
    • Svevestøvmåling i bydel Fana langs FV546. 23. desember 2016 - 31. desember 2017. 

      Hak, Claudia (NILU rapport;2/2018, Research report, 2018)
      På oppdrag fra Statens vegvesen Region vest har NILU utført målinger av PM10 og PM2.5 ved et boligområde ved Fanavegen (Bergen kommune). Støvende aktivitet i forbindelse med anleggsarbeid genererer svevestøv til sjenanse ...
    • Tiltaksutredning for lokal luftkvalitet i Sarpsborg og Fredrikstad 

      Weydahl, Torleif; Grythe, Henrik; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Svorstøl, Eli-Trine; Haug, Tormod Wergeland (NILU rapport;26/2018, Research report, 2018)
      Tiltaksutredningen omfatter en kartlegging av luftkvaliteten i Fredrikstad og Sarpsborg ved trafikkberegninger og utslipps- ogspredningsberegninger for PM10 og NO2 for dagens situasjon (2016) og framtidig situasjon (2022). ...
    • Analyses of selected organic contaminants and metals in coffee cups. Technical report. 

      Rostkowski, Pawel Marian; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle; Harju, Mikael; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Borgen, Anders; Kringstad, Alfhild; Bjørklund, Morten; Thomassen, Silje Eltvik; Vadset, Marit; Ghebremeskel, Mebrat; Eikenes, Heidi; Reid, Malcolm James (NILU rapport; 24/2018, Research report, 2018)
      On behalf of Norwegian Consumer Council, NILU has conducted analyses of organic contaminants and metals in the leachate from selected coffee-cups. The simulation of the leakage is conducted based on a compilation of the ...
    • NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2017 

      Braathen, Ole-Anders; Marsteen, Leif; Langholen, Trine; Andresen, Eva Beate; Fjeldstad, Heidi (NILU report;37/2018, Research report, 2018)
      One of NILU’s main goals is to study the impact of pollution and supply decision-makers with a sound scientific platform for choosing measures to reduce the negative impacts. Furthermore, it is very important for the ...
    • Air quality in 7 Norwegian municipalities in 2015. Summary report for NBV results. 

      Tarrasón, Leonor; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Vo, Dam Thanh; Hamer, Paul David; Vogt, Matthias; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Røen, Håvard Vika; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad (NILU report;15/2018, Research report, 2018)
      This report documents the methodology used to compile air quality information for the year 2015 in seven Norwegian municipality areas under the first phase of development of the Norwegian Air Quality Planning Tool, also ...
    • Kvalitetskrav knyttet til luftkvalitetsberegninger i norsk regelverk. Status og anbefalinger til videre prosess. 

      Tarrasón, Leonor; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Guerreiro, Cristina; Berge, Erik; Selvig, Eivind (NILU rapport;7/2018, Research report, 2018)
      Målet er å belyse hvilke kvalitetskrav som bør stilles til luftkvalitetsberegninger, kart og data til ulike bruksformål slik disse er formulert i norsk regelverk, herunder Forurensningsloven, Folkehelseloven, Plan- og ...
    • Kvikksølv i grenseområdene Norge - Russland. Målinger av kvikksølv (Hg) i luft og nedbør i grenseområdene mot Russland. 

      Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Nilsen, Anne-Cathrine; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle (NILU rapport;36/2018, Research report, 2018)
      I prosjektet ble det utført målinger av kvikksølv (Hg) i luft ved en stasjon og prøvetaking og analyse av Hg i nedbør ved to stasjoner, samt analyse av Hg i 14 storfisk fra Pasvikvassdraget. Måleresultatene for Hg i luft ...
    • Air quality in Ny-Ålesund. Monitoring of local air quality 2016-2017. 

      Johnsrud, Mona; Hermansen, Ove; Tørnkvist, Kjersti Karlsen (NILU report;30/2018, Research report, 2018)
      The concentrations of the measured components are generally low and below national limit values for the protection of human health and critical levels for the protection of vegetation. Wind from northern sectors gave the ...
    • NERVE - Utslipsmodell for veitrafikk. Dokumentasjon av beregningsmodell for klimagassutslipp i norske kommuner. 

      Weydahl, Torleif; Grythe, Henrik; Haug, Tormod Wergeland; Høyem, Harald (NILU rapport;28/2018, Research report, 2018)
      NILU og Urbanet Analyse har på oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet utviklet modellen NERVE («Norwegian Emissions from Road Vehicle Exhaust») for klimagassutslipp fra veitrafikken i norske kommuner. NERVE beregner klimagassutslipp ...
    • Air quality in Norwegian cities in 2015. Evaluation Report for NBV Main Results. 

      Tarrasón, Leonor; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Vo, Dam Thanh; Vogt, Matthias; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Denby, Bruce; Tønnesen, Dag Arild; Sundvor, Ingrid; Røen, Håvard Vika; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad (NILU report;21/2017, Research report, 2018)
      This report documents the final deliveries of the first phase of development of the Norwegian Air Quality Planning Tool, also called “Nasjonalt Beregningsverktøy” or NBV. The main purpose of NBV is to provide a common ...
    • Spesifikasjoner for sensorsystemer til måling av luftkvalitet. Anbefalinger ved anskaffelse. 

      Dauge, Franck Rene; Marsteen, Leif; Schneider, Philipp (NILU rapport; 33/2018, Research report, 2018)
      Denne rapporten forklarer tekniske begrep knyttet til måleytelse, samt gir anbefalinger og krav i forbindelse med utarbeidelse av anbud. Rapporten går gjennom eksisterende instrumentering til luftkvalitetsmåling i Norge ...
    • Monitoring of environmental contaminants in air and precipitation. Annual report 2017. 

      Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Aas, Wenche; Warner, Nicholas Alexander (NILU report;13/2018, Research report, 2018)
      This monitoring report presents data from 2017 and time-trends for the Norwegian programme for Long-range atmospheric transported contaminants. The results cover 180 organic compounds and 11 heavy metals. The organic ...
    • Model development for high-resolution emissions from residential wood combustion 

      Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Grythe, Henrik; Vogt, Matthias (NILU report;32/2018, Research report, 2018)
      In this report, we describe the MetVed model developed to estimate emissions from residential wood combustion (RWC) at high spatial-temporal resolution. The model uses a downscaling method approach, which builds on bottom-up ...
    • Environmental pollutants in the terrestrial and urban environment 2017 

      Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Nygård, Torgeir; Herzke, Dorte; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla (NILU report;20/2018, Research report, 2018)
      Abiotic and biotic samples from the terrestrial and urban environment were analysed for inorganic and various organic contaminants in the Oslo area. The species analysed were earthworms, fieldfare, sparrowhawk, brown rat, ...