Now showing items 361-380 of 1361

    • Spredningsberegninger for utslipp fra tunnelmunninger i Hammerfest. 

      Haugsbakk, Ivar; Tønnesen, Dag Arild (NILU OR;12/2015, Research report, 2015)
      Spredningsberegninger for tunnelmunninger i Hammerfest. Det er beregnet maksimale konsentrasjoner av PM10,og NOX i tunnelene ved ugunstige trafikkforhold (rushtrafikk ettermiddag). Konsentrasjonsreduksjon som funksjon av ...
    • Utbedret E6 øst for Trondheim. Luftkvalitet. 

      Tønnesen, Dag Arild (NILU OR;23/2015, Research report, 2015)
      Utbredelse av Rød og Gul sone for luftkvalitet er beregnet for ombygd E6 øst for Trondheim. Beregningene er basert på modellering av utslipp og spredning fra veg, samt estimat for bakgrunnskonsentrasjoner. Gul sone strekker ...
    • NILU's Environmental Management Report 2014. 

      Braathen, Ole-Anders; Marsteen, Leif; Andresen, Eva Beate; Fjeldstad, Heidi (NILU OR;7/2015, Research report, 2015)
      One of NILU’s main goals is to study the impact of pollution and supply decision-makers with a sound scientific platform for choosing measures to reduce the negative impacts. It is also very important for the institute to ...
    • Norges målenettverk for luftkvalitet. Gjennomgang av stasjonsplasseringer i forhold til krav i EUs luftkvalitetsdirektiver. 

      Hak, Claudia (NILU OR;15/2015, Research report, 2015)
      Rapporten gir en oversikt over Norges luftkvalitetsmålenettverk. Alle målestasjoner som rapporterer måledata til EEA/ESA er beskrevet og plasseringen er vurdert i forhold til krav i EUs direktiver. Stasjons- og ...
    • Grenseområdene Norge-Russland. Luft- og nedbørkvalitet, april 2014-mars 2015. 

      Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Dauge, Franck Rene; Andresen, Erik; Nilsson, Lars Ola; Tønnesen, Dag Arild; Vadset, Marit (NILU OR;21/2015, Research report, 2015)
      Smelteverkene på russisk side av den norsk-russiske grense slipper ut store mengder svoveldioksid (SO2) og tungmetaller. Dette gir forhøyede konsentrasjoner også på norsk side. Denne rapporten inngår i kartlegging av ...
    • Monitoring of greenhouse gases and aerosols at Svalbard and Birkenes in 2014 - Annual report. 

      Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Hermansen, Ove; Fiebig, Markus; Lunder, Chris Rene; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Stebel, Kerstin; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Svendby, Tove Marit; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Krognes, Terje (NILU OR;26/2015, Research report, 2015)
      The report summaries the activities and results of the greenhouse gas monitoring at the Zeppelin Observatory situated on Svalbard in Arctic Norway during the period 2001-2014, and the greenhouse gas monitoring and aerosol ...
    • Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation: Annual report 2014 

      Svendby, Tove Marit; Edvardsen, Kåre; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Stebel, Kerstin; Dahlback, Arne (NILU OR;18/2015, Research report, 2015)
      This is an annual report describing the activities and main results of the monitoring programme “Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation” for 2014. The ozone layer was below the long-term ...
    • Sammenligning av resultater og målemetoder for benzen i Oslo. Målinger utført av NILU fra 2001-2008 og Molab fra 2009-2013. 

      Schmidbauer, Norbert (NILU OR;2/2015, Research report, 2015)
      Parallelle målinger for BTEX på to steder i Oslo bekreftet at rapporterte konsentrasjoner fra henholdsvis NILU og Molab varierte med flere hundre prosent. En nærmere gjennomgang av beregningsmetoden viste at Molab brukte ...
    • Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway, annual report 2014 

      Aas, Wenche; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen (NILU OR;20/2015, Research report, 2015)
      This report presents results from the monitoring of atmospheric composition and deposition of air pollution in 2014 in the Norwegian rural background environment, and focuses on particulate and gaseous phase of inorganic ...
    • Monitoring of environmental contaminants in air and precipitation, annual report 2014 

      Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Aas, Wenche; Warner, Nicholas Alexander (NILU OR;19/2015, Research report, 2015)
      This report presents results from 2014 for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals from the rural air- and precipitation chemistry monitoring network in Norway. These results are compared to previous years.
    • Screening programme 2014: Phosphites, selected PBT substances and non-target screening 

      Thomas, Kevin; Schlabach, Martin; Langford, Katherine; Reid, Malcolm; Fjeld, Eirik; Øxnevad, Sigurd; Rundberget, Thomas; Bæk, Kine; Rostkowski, Pawel Marian; Röhler, Laura; Borgen, Anders (NIVA report;6928-2015, Research report, 2015)
      The occurrence and environmental risk of a number of phosphites and selected PBT substances are reported for wastewater effluents and leachates, as well as sediments and biota from Oslofjord and Lake Mjøsa. In addition a ...
    • Environmental pollutants in the terrestrial and urban environment 2014. 

      Herzke, Dorte; Nygård, Torgeir; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle (NILU OR;24/2015, Research report, 2015)
      On an assignment from the Norwegian Environmental Agency, the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) collected and analysed biological samples ...
    • PFASs in house dust 

      Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Hanssen, Linda; Herzke, Dorte (NILU OR;29/2015, Research report, 2015)
      NILU has, on behalf of the Norwegian Environment Agency, performed sampling and analysis of house dust from Norwegian households. The goal was to study concentration ranges, and variability between- and within-houses of ...
    • An empirically derived inorganic sea spray source function incorporating sea surface temperature 

      Salter, Matthew E.; Zieger, Paul; Acosta Navarro, J.C.; Grythe, Henrik; Kirkevåg, Alf; Rosati, B.; Riipinen, Ilona; Nilsson, ED (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • Climate change impacts on environmental and human exposure to mercury in the arctic 

      Sundseth, Kyrre; Pacyna, Jozef M; Banel, Anna; Pacyna, Elisabeth G; Rautio, Arja (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • Increase in HFC-134a emissions in response to the success of the Montreal Protocol 

      Fortems-Cheiney, Audrey; Saunois, Marielle; Pison, Isabelle C.; Chevallier, Frédéric; Bousquet, Philippe; Cressot, Cindy; Montzka, Stephen A.; Fraser, Paul J.B.; Vollmer, Martin K.; Simmonds, Peter G.; Young, Dickon; O'Doherty, Simon J.; Weiss, Ray F.; Artuso, Florinda B.; Barletta, Barbara; Blake, Donald Ray; Li, Shanlan; Lunder, Chris Rene; Miller, Benjamin R.; Park, Sunyoung; Prinn, Ronald G.; Saito, Takuya; Steele, Lloyd Paul; Yokouchi, Yoko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • European emissions of HCFC-22 based on eleven years of high frequency atmospheric measurements and a Bayesian inversion method 

      Graziosi, Francesco; Arduini, Jgor; Furlani, Francesco; Giostra, Umberto; Kuijpers, Lambert J.M.; Montzka, Stephen A.; Miller, Ben R.; O'Doherty, Simon J.; Stohl, Andreas; Bonasoni, Paolo; Maione, Michela (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • Evaluating the climate and air quality impacts of short-lived pollutants 

      Stohl, Andreas; Aamaas, Borgar; Amann, M; Baker, LH; Bellouin, N; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Boucher, O; Cherian, R; Collins, W; Daskalakis, N; Dusinska, Maria; Eckhardt, Sabine; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Harju, Mikael; Heyes, C; Hodnebrog, Øivind; Hao, J; Im, U; Kanakidou, M; Klimont, Z; Kupiainen, K; Law, KS; Lund, Marianne Tronstad; Maas, R; MacIntosh, CR; Myhre, Gunnar; Myriokefalitakis, S; Oliviè, Dirk Jan Leo; Quaas, J; Quennehen, B; Raut, JC; Rumbold, ST; Samset, Bjørn Hallvard; Schulz, M; Seland, Øyvind; Shine, KP; Skeie, Ragnhild Bieltvedt; Wang, S; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zhu, T (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This paper presents a summary of the work done within the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme project ECLIPSE (Evaluating the Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived Pollutants). ECLIPSE had a unique ...
    • Top-down constraints on atmospheric mercury emissions and implications for global biogeochemical cycling 

      Song, Shaoije; Selin, Noelle Eckley; Soerensen, Anne L.; Angot, Hélène; Artz, Richard S.; Brooks, Steven; Brunke, Ernst Günther; Conley, Gary; Dommergue, Aurélien; Ebinghaus, Ralf; Holsen, Thomas M.; Jaffe, Daniel A.; Kang, Shichang; Kelley, Paul; Luke, Winston T.; Magand, Olivier; Marumoto, Kohji; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo; Ren, Xinrong; Sheu, Gueyrong; Slemr, Franz; Warneke, Thorsten; Weigelt, Andreas; Weiss-Penzias, Peter S.; Wip, Dennis C.; Zhang, Qianggong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • Comparison of mercury concentrations measured at several sites in the Southern Hemisphere 

      Slemr, Franz; Angot, Hélène; Dommergue, Aurélien; Magand, Olivier; Barret, Manuel; Weigelt, Andreas; Ebinghaus, Ralf; Brunke, Ernst Günther; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo; Edwards, Grant; Howard, Dean; Powell, James; Keywood, Melita; Wang, Feiyue (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)