Now showing items 1182-1201 of 3566

    • hackAIR: Towards raising awareness about air quality in Europe by developing a collective online platform 

      Kosmidis, Evangelos; Syropoulou, Panagiota; Tekes, Stavros; Schneider, Philipp; Spyromitros-Xioufis, Eleftherios; Riga, Marina; Charitidis, Polychronis; Moumtzidou, Anastasia; Papadopoulos, Symeon; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis; Stavrakas, Ilias; Hloupis, George; Loukidis, Andronikos; Kourtidis, Konstantinos; Georgoulias, Aristeidis K.; Alexandri, Georgia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Although air pollution is one of the most significant environmental factors posing a threat to human health worldwide, air quality data are scarce or not easily accessible in most European countries. The current work aims ...
    • Halogen chemistry in volcanic plumes: a 1D framework based on MOCAGE 1D (version R1.18.1) preparing 3D global chemistry modelling 

      Marécal, Virginie; Voisin-Plessis, Ronan; Roberts, Tarda Jane; Aiuppa, Alessandro; Narivelo, Herizo; Hamer, Paul David; Josse, Beatrice; Guth, Jonathan; Surl, Luke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      HBr emissions from volcanoes lead rapidly to the formation of BrO within volcanic plumes and have an impact on tropospheric chemistry, at least at the local and regional scales. The motivation of this paper is to prepare ...
    • Harmonization of emission inventorying in the EMEP countries. Final report. 

      Pacyna, Jozef M (NILU OR; 23/92, Research report, 1992)
      The report describes various tasks taken within the project aiming at harmonization of emission inventorying in the ECE region. Guidelines for reporting and estimation of emission data for sox, NOx, NMVOCs, CH4, NH3 and ...
    • Harry Fetts vei. Beregning av luftforurensningsbelastning. 

      Haugsbakk, Ivar (NILU OR; 34/97, Research report, 1997)
      Det er utført beregning av produksjon og tilhørende konsentrasjoner av NO2 og PM10 for alternative friskluftinntak ved planlagte boligenheter ved Harry Fetts vei.
    • Haugerudhagan, Oslo. Beregning av luftforurensningsbelastning. 

      Haugsbakk, Ivar; Tønnesen, Dag Arild (NILU OR;61/2001, Research report, 2001)
      Det er utført beregning av produksjon og tilhørende konsentrasjoner av NO2 og PM10 i området Haugerudhagan mellom Tvetenveien og E6 i Oslo. Spredningsberegninger viser ingen overskridelser av nasjonalt mål for NO2, men ...

      Anda, Odd; Haagenrud, Svein Erik (NILU TR; 8/84, Research report, 1984)
      "En litteraturstudie omhandler havaerosoldannelse og -spredning. Rapporten beskriver videre korrosjons forsøk (tråd på bolt) oq miljømålinger i hovedsak fra kystområdet ved Klepp på Jæren. En forsøker vise sammenheng mellom ...
    • Hazard assessment of nanomaterials using in vitro toxicity assays: Guidance on potential assay interferences and mitigating actions to avoid biased results 

      El Yamani, Naouale; Rundén-Pran, Elise; Varet, Julia; Beus, Maja; Dusinska, Maria; Fessard, Valerie; Moschini, Elisa; Serchi, Tommaso; Cimpan, Mihaela-Roxana; Lynch, Iseult; Vinković Vrček, ivana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The movement towards an animal-free testing approach for risk assessment represents a key paradigm shift in toxicology. Risk assessment of engineered and anthropogenic nanoscale materials (NM) is dependent on reliable ...
    • Hazard assessment of nanomaterials: how to meet the requirements for (next generation) risk assessment 

      Longhin, Eleonora Marta; Rios Mondragon, Ivan; Mariussen, Espen; Zheng, Congying; Busquets, Marti; Gajewicz Skrętna, Agnieszka; Hofshagen, Ole-Bendik; Bastus, Neus Gómez; Puntes, Victor Franco; Cimpan, Mihaela-Roxana; Shaposhnikov, Sergey; Dusinska, Maria; Rundén-Pran, Elise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Background Hazard and risk assessment of nanomaterials (NMs) face challenges due to, among others, the numerous existing nanoforms, discordant data and conflicting results found in the literature, and specific challenges ...
    • Hazard evaluation of infrared smoke grenades based on the dispersion and the composition of the smoke. 

      Tønnesen, Dag Arild; Mikalsen, Adler; Schlabach, Martin (NILU OR; 69/94, Research report, 1994)
      Analysis of PAHs and dioxins in smoke from 155 mm smoke canisters and 76 mm smoke grenades show that the generation of carcinogenic PAHs is 644 μg/g soot, and 66.2 pg/g soot for dioxins. At 100 m from the smoke source of ...
    • Hazard identification of nanomaterials: In silico unraveling of descriptors for cytotoxicity and genotoxicity 

      El Yamani, Naouale; Mariussen, Espen; Gromelski, Maciej; Wyrzykowska, Ewelina; Grabarek, Dawid; Puzyn, Tomasz; Tanasescu, Speranta; Dusinska, Maria; Rundén-Pran, Elise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Hazard identification and safety assessment of the huge variety of nanomaterials (NMs), calls for robust and validated toxicity screening tests in combination with cheminformatics approaches to identify factors that can ...
    • The hCOMET project: International database comparison of results with the comet assay in human biomonitoring. Baseline frequency of DNA damage and effect of main confounders 

      Milić, Mirta; Ceppi, Marcello; Bruzzone, Marco; Azqueta, Amaya; Brunborg, Gunnar; Godschalk, Roger; Koppen, Gudrun; Langie, Sabine; Møller, Peter; Teixeira, João Paulo; Alija, Avdulla; Anderson, Diana; Andrade, Vanessa; Andreoli, Cristina; Asllani, Fisnik; Eyluel Bangkoglu, Ezgi; Barancokova, Magdalena; Basaran, Nursen; Boutet-Robinet, Elisa; Buschini, Annamaria; Cavallo, Delia; Costa Pererira, Cristina; Costa, Carla; Costa, Solange; Da Silva, Juliana; Del Bo’, Cristian; Dimitrijevic Sreckovic, Vesna; Djelic, Ninoslav; Dobrzynska, Malgorzata; Duracková, Zdenka; Dvorakova, Monika; Gajski, Goran; Galati, Serena; García Lima, Omar; Giovannelli, Lisa; Goroshinskaya, Irina A.; Grindel, Annemarie; Gützkow, Kristine Bjerve; Hernández, Alba; Hernandez, Carlos; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Ibero-Baraibar, Idoia; Ottestad, Inger Olaug; Kadioglu, Ela; Kazimirova, Alena; Kuznetsova, Elena; Ladeira, Carina; Laffon, Blanca; Lamonaca, Palma; Lebailly, Pierre; Louro, Henriqueta; Cardoso, Tania Mandina; Marcon, Francesca; Marcos, Ricard; Moretti, Massimo; Moretti, Silvia; Najafzadeh, Mojgan; Nemeth, Zsuzsanna; Neri, Monica; Novotna, Bozena; Orlow, Irene; Paduchova, Zuzana; Pastor, Susana; Perdry, Hervé; Spremo-Potparević, Biljana; Ramadhani, Dwi; Riso, Patrizia; Rohr, Paula; Rojas, Emilio; Rossner, Pavel; Safar, Anna; Sardas, Semra; Silva, Maria João; Sirota, Nikolay; Smolkova, Bozena; Staruchova, Marta; Stetina, Rudolf; Stopper, Helga; Surikova, Ekaterina I.; Ulven, Stine Marie; Ursini, Cinzia Lucia; Valdiglesias, Vanessa; Valverde, Mahara; Vodička, Pavel; Volkovova, Katarina; Wagner, Karl-Heinz; Zivkovic, Lada; Dusinska, Maria; Collins, Andrew Richard; Bonassi, Stefano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The alkaline comet assay, or single cell gel electrophoresis, is one of the most popular methods for assessing DNA damage in human population. One of the open issues concerning this assay is the identification of those ...
    • Health and environmental impacts in the Norwegian border area related to local Russian industrial emissions. Knowledge status. 

      Sandanger, Torkjel M; Anda, Erik Eik; Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Evenset, Anita; Christensen, Guttorm; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie (NILU OR;40/2013, Research report, 2013)
      The contaminant situation in the Norwegian-Russian border has caused concern for several decades and considerable amount of data has been gathered during the Pasvik programme (Stebel et al., 2007; Pasvik programme, 2008) ...
    • Health and environmental impacts in the Norwegian border area related to local Russian industrial emissions. Knowledge status. 

      Sandanger, Torkjel M; Anda, Erik Eik; Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Evenset, Anita; Christensen, Guttorm; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie (NILU OR;40/2013, Research report, 2013)
      The contaminant situation in the Norwegian-Russian border has caused concern for several decades and considerable amount of data has been gathered during the Pasvik programme (Stebel et al., 2007; Pasvik programme, 2008) ...
    • Health and Exposure to VOCs From Pinewood in Indoor Environments 

      Skulberg, Knut Ragnvald; Nyrud, Anders Q.; Goffeng, Lars Ole; Wisthaler, Armin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      As a natural, biological material, wood emits various organic chemical substances, mostly volatile organic compounds (VOCs), very volatile organic compounds (VVOCs) and formaldehyde. When such emissions occur in indoor ...
    • Health effects of different amines relevant for CO2 capture. 

      Låg, Marit; Andreassen, Åshild; Instanes, Christine; Lindeman, Birgitte (NILU OR;05/2009, Research report, 2009)
      The toxicity studies of the amines, MEA, piperazine, AMP and MDEA, together with relevant groups of degradation products, nitrosamines, nitramines, aldehydes and amides, have been evaluated. However, the toxicological data ...
    • Health effects of possible degradation products of different amines relevant for the CO2 capture. 

      Låg, Marit; Instanes, Christine; Lindeman, Birgitte; Andreassen, Åshild (NILU OR;07/2009, Research report, 2009)
      The toxicity studies of the amines, MEA, piperazine, AMP and MDEA, together with relevant groups of degradation products, nitrosamines, nitramines, aldehydes and amides, have been evaluated. However, the toxicological data ...
    • Health impacts of PM2.5 originating from residential wood combustion in four nordic cities 

      Orru, Hans; Olstrup, Henrik; Kukkonen, Jaakko; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Segersson, David; Geels, Camilla; Tamm, Tanel; Riikonen, Kari; Maragkidou, Androniki; Sigsgaard, Torben; Brandt, Jørgen; Grythe, Henrik; Forsberg, Bertil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Residential wood combustion (RWC) is one of the largest sources of fine particles (PM2.5) in the Nordic cities. The current study aims to calculate the related health effects in four studied city areas in Sweden, Finland, ...

      Gotaas, Yngvar (NILU OR; 57/84, Research report, 1984)
      Time plots of average concentration show distances to 1% concen tration level independent of wind speed and air stability, as assumed in the Eidsvik (NILU) model.

      Eidsvik, Karl J. (NILU OR;24/80, Research report, 1980)
      NILUs modell for spredning av tunge kalde gasser (Eidsvik, 1) er modifisert slik at utslippet kan være flytende.
    • Heavy metals and POP measurements 2022 

      Aas, Wenche; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo (EMEP/CCC-Report;3/2024, Research report, 2024)
      This report presents an overview of the annual statistics and results from the monitoring programme of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in EMEP in 2022.