Browsing NILU Brage by Title
Now showing items 2277-2296 of 3566
Observasjoner av atmosfæriske parametere ved Troll-stasjonen i Antarktis - forskning og overvåkning basert på lange tidsserier. Fase 1 (2005/06) - NFR/NARE prosjekt 168908/S30.
(NILU TR;07/2007, Research report, 2007)Fra årsskifte 2006/2007 har den norske Antarktisstasjonen Troll (72º S, 2º E, 1270 m.o.h.) i Dronning-Maud-Land vært en helårsbemannet forsknings-, overvåkings- og servicestasjon. Dette åpnet for muligheten til å gjennomføre ... -
Observation of 27 day solar cycles in the production and mesospheric descent of EPP-produced NO
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Observation of turbulent dispersion of artificially released SO2 puffs with UV cameras
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In atmospheric tracer experiments, a substance is released into the turbulent atmospheric flow to study the dispersion parameters of the atmosphere. That can be done by observing the substance's concentration distribution ... -
Observations from coastal stations in 1999.
(NILU OR; 02/2001, Research report, 2001)This report describes the observations made at monitoring stations in 1999 around the North Sea and North East Atlantic by the CAMP programme. The monitoring programme and stations are described and annual observed values ... -
Observations from N.E. Atlantic Coastal Stations in 2000.
(NILU OR; 12/2002, Research report, 2002)Observations from coastal air and precipitation monitoring stations in the year 2000 around the North-East Atlantic region are presented. Rates of pollutant supply in precipitation are given. The observations form the ... -
Observations of gravity wave forcing of the mesopause region during the January 2013 major Sudden Stratospheric Warming
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Observations of planetary waves in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere during stratospheric warming events
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Observed and Modeled Black Carbon Deposition and Sources in the Western Russian Arctic 1800−2014
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Black carbon (BC) particles contribute to climate warming by heating the atmosphere and reducing the albedo of snow/ice surfaces. The available Arctic BC deposition records are restricted to the Atlantic and North American ... -
Observed anomalous atmospheric patterns in summers of unusual Arctic sea ice melt
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Observed recent change in climate and potential for decay of Norwegian wood structures
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The wood rot decay of structures and buildings in Norway represents high costs. This paper reports the observed trends for the potential rot decay of Norwegian wood structures in the cities of Oslo and Bergen over the ... -
Occurrence and backtracking of microplastic mass loads including tire wear particles in northern Atlantic air
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Few studies report the occurrence of microplastics (MP), including tire wear particles (TWP) in the marine atmosphere, and little data is available regarding their size or sources. Here we present active air sampling devices ... -
Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) are present in technical applications and personal care products. They are predicted to undergo long-range atmospheric transport, but measurements of cVMS in remote areas remain ... -
Occurrence of emerging brominated flame retardants and organophosphate esters in marine wildlife from the Norwegian Arctic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)To understand the exposure and potential sources of emerging brominated flame retardants (EBFR) and organophosphate esters (OPEs) in marine wildlife from the Norwegian Arctic, we investigated concentrations of EBFRs in 157 ... -
Oceanic bromoform emissions weighted by their ozone depletion potential
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Oceanic long-range transport of organic additives present in plastic products: an overview
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Most plastics are made of persistent synthetic polymer matrices that contain chemical additives in significant amounts. Millions of tonnes of plastics are produced every year and a significant amount of this plastic enters ... -
OClO and BrO observations in the volcanic plume of Mt. Etna - Implications on the chemistry of chlorine and bromine species in volcanic plumes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Odds and ends of atmospheric mercury in Europe and over the North Atlantic Ocean: temporal trends of 25 years of measurements
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The global monitoring plan of the Minamata Convention on Mercury was established to generate long-term data necessary for evaluating the effectiveness of regulatory measures at a global scale. After 25 years of monitoring ... -
(NILU OR; 8/86, Research report, 1986)Det er gjort et overslag som viser at utslippene av ikke-metan hydrokarboner og nitrogenoksider i forbindelse med brenning av gass i fakler i Nordsjøen, sannsynligvis er så små at det er liten mulighet for nevneverdig ... -
(NILU OR;40/79, Research report, 1979)Innflytelsen av nitrogenoksyd-utslippet fra et varmekraftverk ved Oslofjorden på NO2-konsentrasjonen over Oslo sentrum er vurdert. I tilfeller med vind fra sør kan et oljefyrt varmekraftverk føre til en 50% økning i nåværende ... -
Omregning av EU-kommisjonens forslag til nye grenseverdier, fra prosentilverdier til maksimalverdier.
(NILU OR; 14/98, Research report, 1998)EU-kommisjonen har lagt fram forslag til nye grenseverdier for luftkvalitet for SO2, NO2, PM10 og bly. De nye grenseverdiene, som er prosentilverdier, er omregnet til maksimalverdier på grunnlag av norske måledata de siste ...