Browsing NILU Brage by Title
Now showing items 2453-2472 of 3567
PAH i nyttevekster.
(NILU TR;4/94, Research report, 1994)Målinger av P AH i salat, frukt og bær fra nærområdene rundt to alwniniuimverk viste til dels høye konsentrasjoner, opp til 2000-3000 ng/g, nærmest verkene. I referanseprøver fra Østlandsområdet varierte P AH konsentrasjonen ... -
PAH measurements at Lista. January 2020 – December 2020.
(NILU report;11/2021, Research report, 2021)On behalf of Aluminiumindustriens Miljøsekretariat (AMS) and Alcoa Lista, NILU – Norwegian institute for air research has conducted a sampling campaign in the surroundings of the Alcoa Lista aluminium smelter in order to ... -
PAH measurements in air and moss around selected industrial sites in Norway 2015
(NILU report; 23/2017, Research report, 2017)On request from the Norwegian Environment Agency a pilot study of atmospheric deposition of PAH around industrial enterprises in Norway has been carried out. The participation was voluntary and 10 industries located at 10 ... -
Painted Wood Climate Risk Analysis by the HERIe Model of Building Protection and Conservation Heating Scenarios in Norwegian Medieval Stone Churches
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)HERIe was used to model the effect of changes to indoor climate on the risk of humidity-induced mechanical damage (cracking and plastic deformation) to wooden panels painted with stiff gesso in two Norwegian medieval stone ... -
PAN measurement technique, Part 1. Experience gained at NILU in 1986- 1987. Review of ECD theory.
(NILU TR;5/91, Research report, 1991)The technical details of the PAN measurement technique (calibration methods not included) used at NILU in the years 1986-1987 is described. A review of electron capture detector theory is included. -
Pan-European rural monitoring network shows dominance of NH3 gas and NH4NO3 aerosol in inorganic atmospheric pollution load
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)A comprehensive European dataset on monthly atmospheric NH3, acid gases (HNO3, SO2, HCl), and aerosols (NH+4, NO−3, SO2−4, Cl−, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) is presented and analysed. Speciated measurements were made with a low-volume ... -
(NILU TR;12/83, Research report, 1983)Nettostrålingen i atmosfæren nær bakken i Bergen kan beregnes ut fra data for globalstrålingen (standardfeil 10-30 W/m2) eller ut fra data for solhøyde og skydekke (standardfeil 30-80 W/m). Vertikalspredning av luftforurensninger ... -
Particluate matter: research and management; Proceedings from the 2nd WeBIOPATR Workshop, Mokra Gora, Serbia 31.8.-2.9.2009
(NILU OR;37/2009, Research report, 2009)The aim of the workshop was to provide a forum for discussion of new research results regarding particulate matter (PM), and atmospheric PM monitoring and management. Participants came from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia ... -
Partikkelforurensning fra piggdekk.
(NILU OR;16/97, Research report, 1997)Det er gjennomført en sammenstilling av målinger av PM2,5 og PM10 i større norske byer i 1990-årene. Rapporten gir en oversikt over overskridelser av kartleggings- og tiltaksgrenser i Forurensningsloven og av SFTs anbefalte ... -
(NILU OR; 55/87, Research report, 1987)Partikkelkonsentrasjoner og partikkeltyper ble bestemt i fem målepunkter i bygget. Konsentrasjonene var lave i forhold til det som er målt i andre kontorbygg, og de lå langt under yrkeshygieniske grenseverdier. Følgende ... -
Partikler i tettstedsluft i Norden. Utslipp - forekomst - helsevirkninger, med hovedvekt på bileksospartikler.
(NILU OR; 11/91, Research report, 1991)Rapporten presenterer en litteraturoversikt vedrørende bilavgasspartikler og andre partikkelkilder i tettstedsluft, bilavgassenes og andre kilders relative betydning til befolkningens eksponering til partikler i luft, ... -
Passiv prøvetaker med ionekromatografisk bestemmelse av eddiksyre og maursyre i luft. Hovedfagsoppgave i analytisk kjemi.
(NILU TR;6/98, Research report, 1998)Det har blitt utviklet en passiv prøvetaker for eddiksyre og maursyre i luft. Prøvetakingen baserer seg på absorpsjon av eddiksyre og maursyre på K,CO3 impregnerte kvartsfiberfiltrer. Prøvetakeren ble vanligvis eksponert ... -
Passive prøvetakere (Sorpsjon av forurensningsgasser i luft). Del 1: En litteratursammenfatning. Del 2: Forsøk med NILUs filterholder m/impregnert filter som passiv prøvetaker.
(NILU TR;10/91, Research report, 1991)Det er gitt en oversikt (litteratursammenfatning) over anvendbarhet av og erfaring med passive prøvetakere (diffusjons- og permeasjonsprøvetakere). I andre del er samlet data fra forsøk med NILUs egen filterholder anvendt ... -
Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 ambient air concentrations in Cairo.
(NILU OR;16/2001, Research report, 2001)A screening study was undertaken in greater Cairo to check and verify the ambient air pollution monitoring network operated by EIMP/EEAA. The passive samplers were installed in field to measure ground level concentrations ... -
Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 ambient air concentrations in Zambia April 1999.
(NILU OR; 43/99, Research report, 1999)As part of a second screening study to develop a plan for ambient air pollution monitoring in Zambia (Guerreiro, 1999), 34 SO2 and 17 NO2 passive samplers were placed inside the cities of Lusaka and Ndola, in Maamba and ... -
Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 ambient air concentrations in Zambia September 1998.
(NILU OR; 63/98, Research report, 1998)As part of a screening study to develop a plan for ambient air pollution monitoring in Zambia, 20 SO2 and 10 NO2 passive samplers were placed inside Lusaka, Ndola and around industries in the Copperbelt area. The passive ... -
Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 in ambient air in Dakar. Preliminary study, June 2005.
(NILU OR;46/2005, Research report, 2005)The Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) is supporting the Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD) in establishing a Central Laboratory with an Air Quality Management System for Dakar. During the ... -
Passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 in ambient air in Ho Chi Minh City. November 2002.
(NILU OR; 15/2003, Research report, 2003)As part of a screening study passive sampling of SO2 and NO2 was performed at 20 selected sites in Ho Chi Minh City. The main conclusion was that the two-week average concentrations of NO2 and SO2 measured at 20 sites in ... -
Past and Future Grand Challenges in Marine Ecosystem Ecology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Patterns in the spectral composition of sunlight and biologically meaningful spectral photon ratios as affected by atmospheric factors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Plants rely on spectral cues present in their surroundings, generated by the constantly changing light environment, to guide their growth and reproduction. Photoreceptors mediate the capture of information by plants from ...