Browsing NILU Brage by Title
Now showing items 1676-1695 of 3566
A Machine Learning Approach to Retrieving Aerosol Optical Depth Using Solar Radiation Measurements
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aerosol optical depth (AOD) constitutes a key parameter of aerosols, providing vital information for quantifying the aerosol burden and air quality at global and regional levels. This study demonstrates a machine learning ... -
Machine Learning-Based Digital Twin for Predictive Modeling in Wind Turbines
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Wind turbines are one of the primary sources of renewable energy, which leads to a sustainable and efficient energy solution. It does not release any carbon emissions to pollute our planet. The wind farms monitoring and ... -
Machine Learning-Based Retrieval of Total Ozone Column Amount and Cloud Optical Depth from Irradiance Measurements
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)A machine learning algorithm combined with measurements obtained by a NILU-UV irradiance meter enables the determination of total ozone column (TOC) amount and cloud optical depth (COD). In the New York City area, a NILU-UV ... -
Machine learning-based stocks and flows modeling of road infrastructure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper introduces a new method to account for the stocks and flows of road infrastructure at the national level based on material flow accounting (MFA). The proposed method closes some of the current shortcomings in ... -
Magnitude and Uncertainty of Nitrous Oxide Emissions From North America Based on Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches: Informing Future Research and National Inventories
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We synthesized N2O emissions over North America using 17 bottom-up (BU) estimates from 1980–2016 and five top-down (TD) estimates from 1998 to 2016. The BU-based total emission shows a slight increase owing to U.S. ... -
Main sources controlling atmospheric burdens of persistent organic pollutants on a national scale
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)National long-term monitoring programs on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in background air have traditionally relied on active air sampling techniques. Due to limited spatial coverage of active air samplers, questions ... -
Maintenance costs for European zinc and Portland limestone surfaces due to air pollution since the 1980s
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Manuel Qualité. Centre de Gastion de la Qualtité de l'Air de Dakar.
(NILU OR;17/2010, Research report, 2010)This report presents all relevant topics to be known and quality requirements to be fulfilled in order to successfully manage an air quality measurement network and its references laboratory. It encompasses all aspects ... -
(NILU TN;13/79, Research report, 1979)Regler for forskjellige rapporttyper, standardisering av rekkefølgen i en rapport, litteraturhenvisninger, figurer og tabeller. -
Mapping potential conflicts between global agriculture and terrestrial conservation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Demand for food products, often from international trade, has brought agricultural land use into direct competition with biodiversity. Where these potential conflicts occur and which consumers are responsible is ... -
Mapping urban air quality in near real-time using observations from low-cost sensors and model information
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Mass Cultivation of Microalgae: I. Experiences with Vertical Column Airlift Photobioreactors, Diatoms and CO2 Sequestration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
MASTER. Preventive conservation strategies for protection of organic objects in museums, historic buildings and archives. Final report.
(NILU OR;76/2010, Research report, 2010)The mainaim of the MASTER project was the development of an early warning dosimeter system for organic objects (EWO dosimeters) that could provide a relatively cheap and easy way for museums and other cultural heritage ... -
Materialkartlegging og tilstandsbeskrivelse av utvendige bygningsmaterialer. Sluttrapport.
(NILU OR;62/94, Research report, 1994)Rapporten omhandler arbeid for å komme fram til en omforent protokoll i Norden for inventering av materialmengder og deres tilstand i bygningsmassen. Utkast til slik protokoll foreligger og er testet ut i enkelte pilotprosjekter ... -
Materialkorrosjon forårsaket av luftforurensninger - med vekt på dose-respons-sammenhenger.
(NILU OR;74/94, Research report, 1994)På oppdrag fra SFT har NILU sammenstilt resultatene fra de siste 10-15 års arbeid om atmosfærisk materialkorrosjon, modellering, undersøkelse av doserespons- og skadefunksjoner, materialmengdeberegninger, forurensningsforhold ... -
Materialstudier ved NILU. En oversikt over resultater og metoder for perioden 1973-2001.
(NILU TR;04/2002, Research report, 2002)Rapporten omfatter de prosjekter og undersøkelser som er gjennomført gjennom perioden 1973–2001. En har spesielt tatt hensyn til arbeid hvor en enten har kommet frem til ligninger som beskriver miljøets virkning på materialer ... -
Maternal serum concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and their predictors in years with reduced production and use
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Maternal serum levels of perfluoroalkyl substances and organochlorines and indices of fetal growth: a Scandinavian case-cohort study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Maternal transfer and occurrence of siloxanes, chlorinated paraffins, metals, PFAS and legacy POPs in herring gulls (Larus argentatus) of different urban influence
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Urban herring gulls (Larus argentatus) are exposed to contaminants from aquatic, terrestrial and anthropogenic sources. We aim to assess if differences in urbanisation affect ecological niche and contaminant concentrations ... -
Maternal-Child Exposures to Persistent Organic Pollutants in Dhaka, Bangladesh
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)